Clergy Misconduct, Clergy Sex Abuse, Ravi Zacharias

The Vince and Jo Vitale Case Study in Pseudo-Confessions

"Am I the only one bothered by the use of “failure” language in the rush of mea culpas that we now see bursting from the bowels of evangelical Christianity as Ravi Zacharias’s empire goes the way of the Titanic?"

ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Christian Marriage, Complementarianism, Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Divorce, Domestic Violence and Churches, John MacArthur, Marriage, Marriages Damaged-Destroyed by Sp. Ab., Master's University / Master's Seminary, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Religious Power and Control, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Bullies, Troubling Tweets, Women and the Church

How Pastor Steve Swartz uses Scripture to Elevate His Position as Pastor and His Response to an Abusive Marriage #Blech

Ok, popping in here for a quickie post for discussion. Notice this dude is a Master's Seminary Alum. This does not surprise me with the kind of pompous attitudes I have witnessed and encountered from John MacArthur's camp. Case in point, Bill Shannon reached out to me during my lawsuit case. I'll never forget how… Continue reading How Pastor Steve Swartz uses Scripture to Elevate His Position as Pastor and His Response to an Abusive Marriage #Blech

Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias and RZIM 2020 Research and Resource Post: Timeline, Links to Articles/Analysis, Nonprofit Reference

On December 23, 2020, RZIM / Ravi Zacharias International Ministries noted on social media that they released an intermediate report from the law firm of Miller & Martin PLLC on the investigation they commissioned into certain issues of reported sexual abuse by its founder, Ravi Zacharias. This report confirms he did engage in sexual abuse, and that more details are forthcoming. This official statement by RZIM is vindication for the women who reported Mr. Zacharias’ abuses: These were credible accusations–not mere allegations or false reports.

In light of this confirmation, I am compiling resources that provide crucial elements of the context to the overall situation for Ravi Zacharias as an individual and for RZIM as the institution he founded.

I hope this will be of help for those who want to understand the broader backstory, research and analyze the issues involved, and discern and decide for themselves what actions should be taken.


Where are Kathi and Julie Anne?

I pulled over to take a picture of the beautiful hoarfrost in College Place, WA. Wow - it's been pretty quiet around here, if you haven't noticed.The reality: Kathi and JA are a bit tired and overwhelmed with life at the moment, so we are taking a blog sabbatical, without apologies. Life has been challenging… Continue reading Where are Kathi and Julie Anne?


Redeeming Power / Diane Langberg–The Book I’ve Waited for, for 45 Years! Guest Review by Brad/Futuristguy

Redeeming Power by trauma psychologist Diane Langberg is the best book I’ve seen that introduces, equips, and challenges Christian leaders to deal with systemic abuse and historic oppression. Buy it, savor it, share it! ~brad/futuristguy I have survived multiple situations of spiritual abuse by people in positions of power in churches, ministries, and non-profits—starting from… Continue reading Redeeming Power / Diane Langberg–The Book I’ve Waited for, for 45 Years! Guest Review by Brad/Futuristguy

ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Clergy Misconduct, Clergy Sex Abuse, Ravi Zacharias, Religious Power and Control, Sexual Abuse/Assault and Churches, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Authority

Ravi Zacharias: Reports of Sexual Predation and Sexual Abuse at Health Spas

And now, Steve Baughman has uncovered more of the same . . . Ravi has a history of seeking sexual gratification for himself, using his position of power and trust to obtain those "favors." This is clergy sexual misconduct and spiritual abuse!

ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Abuse Systems and Transformation Tools, Authoritative Preaching, Biblical Manhood, Christian Marriage, Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Disturbing Trends, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Churches, Doug Wilson, emotional abuse, Extra-Biblical Nonsense, Gender Roles, God's Design for the Family, Marriage, Marriages Damaged-Destroyed by Sp. Ab., Mental Health and the Church, Misuse of Scripture, Religious Power and Control, Sexual Abuse/Assault and Churches, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Bullies, Women and the Church

The Who’s Who and What’s What of Poisonous Patriarchy in Contemporary Christianity: Introducing Brian Sauvé

This power-over structure is harmful, demeaning, and depersonalizes women who were made in the Image of God.

ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Christian Marriage, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Churches, emotional abuse, Extra-Biblical Nonsense, Gender Roles, God's Design for the Family, Julie Anne's Personal Stories, Marriage, Marriages Damaged-Destroyed by Sp. Ab., Religious Power and Control, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Bullies, Women and the Church

The Who’s Who and What’s What of Poisonous Patriarchy in Contemporary Christianity

"I’ve decided to document pastors and individuals who promote patriarchy here on my blog. I will post screenshots of their tweets or social media posts, and name them and their churches as a public record."