ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Abuse Systems and Transformation Tools, Calvary Chapel Lawsuit, Doug Wilson, Failure to Report Crimes, Mandatory Reporting, Mental Health and the Church, Misuse of Scripture, Modesty and Purity Teachings, Narcissistic Pastors, Reconstructionist-Dominion Movement, Recovery Process, Sexual Abuse/Assault and Churches, Shunning, Spiritual Abuse, SPIRITUAL ABUSE RECOVERY, Spiritual Bullies, Statute of Limitations, Word of Faith Movement

A Spotlight on Abuse and Death of VCY America Founder Vic Eliason

  *** Here are some interesting articles that have been making the rounds: If you have not seen Spotlight, I urge you to see it. It is about "Spotlight" a specific group of investigative reporters from the Boston Globe who uncovered the systemic sex abuse and cover-up in the Catholic Church. This movie is very… Continue reading A Spotlight on Abuse and Death of VCY America Founder Vic Eliason