ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, Abuse Systems and Transformation Tools, Leaving the Church, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Bullies

When “O Holy Night” Becomes a Nightmare to Someone Whose Faith Has Been Harmed

"This performance is so sincere and heartfelt, shows a high level of skill, and may be the very one you love best of all. I think it is just awful, the perfect expression of a particular culture that I used to think was just distasteful and now believe to be rotten to the core."

Christianity and Politics, Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do

How has this election affected you as a Christian?

Christianity, Presidential Election, Evangelical Leaders Influence     How has this election affected you as a Christian? This has been the most difficult election I've ever seen in my life. As a Christian, I found it difficult to support either Republican or Democratic candidate for a variety of reasons. There were certain issues that greatly… Continue reading How has this election affected you as a Christian?