Christianity and Politics, Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Misuse of Scripture, SMH (Shake My Head), Todd Friel, Troubling Tweets

Todd Friel Claims There’s “Not a Word” in the Bible about Fighting Injustice for the Oppressed

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.    And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy    and to walk humbly with your God.Micah 6:8 Admin note: WordPress is the service I use for this blog. They have a new formatting feature I'm using on this post. Because the post is predominantly tweets, I have… Continue reading Todd Friel Claims There’s “Not a Word” in the Bible about Fighting Injustice for the Oppressed

Bill Gothard, Christianity and Politics, Disturbing Trends, Doug Phillips & Vision Forum, Full-Quiver, Homeschool Movement, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Reconstructionist-Dominion Movement

Rep. Matt Shea: When Politics is Fueled by Religion that Harms

Rep. Matt Shea, Biblical Basis for War, Politics, Religion, Dominionism *** I intentionally do not delve into politics much on this blog because politics is divisive and conversation can deteriorate quickly. However, today I want to mention one candidate whose religion is interfering with his politics in a way that could harm. I found about… Continue reading Rep. Matt Shea: When Politics is Fueled by Religion that Harms

Christianity and Politics, Gender Roles, Parenting, Tim Bayly, Working Women

Pastor Tim Bayly Pities Senator Tammy Duckworth’s Newborn Child

*** -by Kathi *** Tim Bayly is the pastor at Clearnote Church in Bloomington, Indiana, and president of Clearnote Pastors College. He received his M.Div. from Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary and is the author of the book, "Daddy Tried: Overcoming the Failures of Fatherhood." Tim writes with Joe Bayly at Warhorn - Out of Our Minds.… Continue reading Pastor Tim Bayly Pities Senator Tammy Duckworth’s Newborn Child

Christianity and Politics, Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do

How has this election affected you as a Christian?

Christianity, Presidential Election, Evangelical Leaders Influence     How has this election affected you as a Christian? This has been the most difficult election I've ever seen in my life. As a Christian, I found it difficult to support either Republican or Democratic candidate for a variety of reasons. There were certain issues that greatly… Continue reading How has this election affected you as a Christian?