ABUSE & VIOLENCE IN THE CHURCH, ABUSIVE FAITH & PRACTICE, Biblical Counseling, Christian Marriage, CHURCH GOVERNANCE & POLICIES, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Churches, Doug Wilson, Leaving the Church, Marriage, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Spiritual Abuse, Women and the Church

Domestic Violence, Jim and Doug Wilson, and Damaging Pastoral Response to Abuse in Marriages

Christ Church's Pastor Doug Wilson, Jim Wilson, Domestic Violence, Pastoral Response to Abuse, Marriage October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, is wrapping up. In my research on Pastor Doug Wilson and the abuses connected with Christ Church and New Saint Andrews College, I ran across a video with Doug Wilson and his father, Jim Wilson, discussing marriage.… Continue reading Domestic Violence, Jim and Doug Wilson, and Damaging Pastoral Response to Abuse in Marriages