Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Full-Quiver, Homeschool Movement, Kevin Swanson, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Reconstructionist-Dominion Movement, Spiritual Bullies

Kevin Swanson Issues Response to Dead Embedded Babies Comment

Kevin Swanson has updated his blog with a response regarding the womb being a graveyard for dead babies for women who have taken birth control pills – – – – or something along those lines.

Here is a part of his response:

In a recent program, the matter of the abortifacient effects of the birth control pill on the womb was introduced and discussed (which resulted in a fair amount of controversy on the internet).  In the interview with the men who had researched the matter, it was stated that there was no persuasive scientific evidence for or against (identifying the remains or “impressions” of aborted fertilized eggs in the wombs of women on the contraceptive pill.)  Our goal is to be as accurate as possible with the information that we distribute.  In a 30 minute extemporaneous program, it is hard to include all of the issues and the findings that should be considered.

From what I can tell based on the recent interaction concerning our broadcast on birth control, this question plays heavily on the conscience of a nation: Is the womb a graveyard or a place of safe nurture for babies in the 21st century?


The Birth Control Pill Revisited

Is this guy still whacked-out crazy or does he provide enough information to justify his earlier comment from his radio interview:

Kevin Swanson:

I’m beginning to get some evidence from certain doctors and certain scientists that have done research on women’s wombs after they’ve gone through the surgery, and they’ve compared the wombs of women who were on the birth control pill to those who were not on the birth control pill. And they have found that with women who are on the birth control pill, there are these little tiny fetuses, these little babies, that are embedded into the womb. They’re just like dead babies. They’re on the inside of the womb. And these wombs of women who have been on the birth control pill effectively have become graveyards for lots and lots of little babies.

I don’t think he’s back peddling.  Do you?  Seems like the same ol’ stuff.

23 thoughts on “Kevin Swanson Issues Response to Dead Embedded Babies Comment”

  1. “In the interview with the men who had researched the matter…”

    No names, no sources. And I suppose there never will be.

    This Kevin Swanson should be writing for the Weekly World News tabloid.


  2. Citing a 30+ year old statement about BCPs is totally without merit, since there is a huge amount of well-conducted studies that show different results. The ONLY reason that the issue of blocking implantation came up is because some scientists once upon a time thought it was possible, so it became part of the literature that accompanies BCPs. Subsequent research shows no evidence that it actually occurs. A simple internet search can provide the citations.


  3. Well, he never really addresses the issue.

    “In a 30 minute extemporaneous program, it is hard to include all of the issues and the findings that should be considered.” Puhlease! If you’re going to talk about the fact that there are many doctors and scientists that think this, then you need to provide sources!

    And, as 56 years+ said, to cite a source that is over 30 years old is not sufficient. Especially since he says, “I’m beginning to get some evidence….” Beginning to? This would suggest that he’s reading current studies.

    There was a reason why so many people asked him about his sources. Because I’m sure they don’t exist! I’m still calling B.S. on this! Come on, man! You were once homeschooled! Did you not learn how to think?


  4. Unbelievable. A 30+ year-old study, a PDF statement (and what year was it published?), people writing articles and giving advice to couples about birth control when they have not a whit of medical training or license to counsel medical issues….totally irresponsible. And why do couples go to their pastor for birth control recommendations? Their questions, and they should have lots of questions, should be directed to a qualified OB/GYN.

    On another issue about the estrogen in the pills: I took them from 1964 for approx. 10 years. I believe those were the days of much higher doses than now. Further, I took Prempro (for relief of menopause symptoms) for about 2.5 years because my OB/GYN said the evidence suggested it protected from breast cancer. I quit immediately in ’02 when it was reported that the opposite was true. In ’08 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Was there a connection spanning 40+ years? I’ll never know. Who do I sue for breast cancer, huh?

    TALK TO AN OB/GYN, MAYBE GET A 2ND OR 3RD OPINION. Kevin Swanson and Randy Alcorn need to get out of the birth control advisory business; they’re totally unqualified to dispense this information.


  5. Ed, I was in a hurry for my massage appt (deep tissue – maybe these Swanson types are getting me uptight) and didn’t check. That’s interesting that it’s the same link. Alcorn is no scientist or doctor. He is a Christian author with an opinion on birth control pills.

    He wrote the book: Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments


  6. Jo, I agree! I just found a great response posted on the Generations Radio Facebook page. Let’s see if it is allowed to remain:

    Rebecca Bex Clark
    Hear hear, Neil. Generations Radio, the post you linked states flat-out that there is no evidence supporting this assertion of mysterious blastocyst impressions being made upon a woman’s uterine lining. Without evidence, this assertion looks to be complete malarkey. I recommend removing wild unproven suppositions from your articles and posts, as it tends to taint your argument on other counts. Cheers.


  7. Imagine that…an opinion of an opinion. That’s how rumors get started. If I am not mistaken, I believe the Apostle Paul let the physician do his job, while Paul did his. Two different professions.


  8. And just a reminder: I hate knocking “homeschooling” because there are many legitimate (and non-religious) online homeschooling programs out there for kids who just don’t get along well in a public school environment. But the kind of homeschooling that is responsible for Kevin Swanson’s lack of critical thinking skills is a dilemma that needs to be addressed on a National level. These sorts of “schools”, and I’ll include some well-known “universities” that are affiliated with Fundamentalist Christianity are, and I have no better term for it, moron factories.


  9. Tiquatue – When I put those pieces together – the agenda of curricula from “respected” Christian publishers – it sent shivers down my spine. Talk about indoctrination!


  10. JA, I can’t help suggesting a slight change for the title of this article:

    “Kevin Swanson Issues _Non_Response To Dead Embedded Babies Comment”

    What d’you think? 😉

    I have to agree with Shannon. He still refuses to name his sources except in the vaguest of terms, and nothing in his latest blurb even touched on his junk science statements in any meaningful way. Until he gets serious about citing sources, or else retracts his nonsense, he won’t have any credibility with me on this issue.


  11. One of the fundamental with this kind of rhetoric is that it trivializes very real issues. Once you decide that birth control is IN ACTUALITY abortion…it’s not long until “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” becomes abortion. You wind up with third trimester abortions being the moral equivalent of a headache.

    Secondarily, it has the potential to start making any convictions against actual abortion look silly and not anyone’s business (just like the evening headache isn’t anyone else’s business.) For those who see the abortion issue as a matter of protecting the “least of these,” this type of rhetoric is very damaging.

    I actually think that the urban legend that Swanson is trying to launch is in the same category as calling birth control sexual bulimia. If BC is sexual bulimia, then that opens the door to spiritual bulimia, financial bulimia, relational bulimia, housekeeping bulimia (I threw that in there because if anyone has housekeeping issues, it’s me!). And bulimia becomes kind of clever shorthand to talk about something disgusting and undesirable. Meanwhile, young men and women with ACTUAL bulimia are putting their lives in danger with a very serious, very real condition…..and their issues will be equivalent to couples who use birth control. Bulimia is trivialized into a clever way to express disapproval for a pet issue.

    This kind of trivialization happens all the time and it is to our detriment. The other day I received an email decrying the genocide of wild horses (non-native wild horses at that) in a certain state. The legal definition of genocide has to do with human beings and culture. As distressing as the thought of wild horses being slaughtered may be, it does us all a disservice to refer to it as genocide. It trivializes real ACTUAL genocide that is happening even today in certain parts of the world.

    I actually think that when folks come up with this stuff like Swanson and Sproul have, at some level it’s flowing out of a very dangerous doctrine that says that all sins are equal in God’s eyes. Molesting and raping a child is no different than making personal copies on the copy machine at work without paying $0.05 a page. Taking the Pill is the moral equivalent to a third trimester abortion and becomes the moral equivalent to a grumpy spouse with a headache.


  12. Swanson’s main drive is to convince people that drugs like the “morning after pill” and standard birth control, are abortifacients. There is plenty of medical and scientific proof that they are not. His story of dead fetuses is just a prop to build a negative image in the minds of other fellow…dullards, that birth control is equal to abortion. What’s funny about all this – where was this discussion 5 years ago? 10? 20? It really didn’t exist except perhaps among Catholics and even then the issue of abortifacients wasn’t an issue. This discussion is happening because of all the butthurt surrounding Obamacare and institutions feeling “forced” to provide birth control against their “religious beliefs”, which is nonsense. They are forcing their beliefs on their associates and bottom line, trying to figure out how to pay less. Idiots like Swanson are all too happy to tag along, providing “authority” without having to apply any real thinking skills. All he has to do is shake the “science is evil” stick at his fellow travelers and some of them comply without thinking or reading for themselves.


  13. Citing a 30+ year old statement about BCPs is totally without merit, since there is a huge amount of well-conducted studies that show different results.

    Also, have BCPs changed composition during those 30 years? Even if some BCPs back then DID block implantation in “the graveyard of dead babies”, that is no guarantee that different medications used now still do.


  14. When I first saw an actual picture of Kevin Swanson, my first reaction was “This guy looks like a high school dork! Little kid face, glasses, big teeth, goofy grin and all!”

    I wonder if we’re seeing the same dynamic I postulated for Bee Jay Driscoll’s hypermasculine control freaking — a high school Omega Male who’s now an Alpha Male/Big Dog (by Divine Right from GOD Himself) throwing his weight around for payback.


  15. Yes, his response is a complete “See, they’re not willing to say it’s *not* true,” I’m particularly struck by the comment of “this question lies heavily on the conscience of a nation” … now he’s able to use the true statistics of all the people trying to contact him over this and interpret it as concern, that he’s enlightening people; rather than him being called out on BS.


  16. HellTygr: This man is so full of himself he thinks all of us NEED him to interpret this for us. He’s forgetting that we’re using our brains and I’m not sure where his has gone.


  17. Yes, his response is a complete “See, they’re not willing to say it’s *not* true,” I’m particularly struck by the comment of “this question lies heavily on the conscience of a nation” … now he’s able to use the true statistics of all the people trying to contact him over this and interpret it as concern, that he’s enlightening people; rather than him being called out on BS.

    And now Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory comes into play, where any evidence against The Conspiracy is proof of The Conspiracy, where lack of evidence for The Conspiracy is proof of The Conspiracy, and all who doubt The Conspiracy are part of The Conspiracy. “The Dwarfs are for The Dwarfs, We Won’t Be Taken In, and I AM ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!”


  18. HellTygr: This man is so full of himself he thinks all of us NEED him to interpret this for us.

    Is he not God’s Chosen Elect?


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