Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Extra-Biblical Nonsense, Full-Quiver, Kevin Swanson, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement

My Response to Kevin Swanson’s Non-Response about Embedded Dead Babies and Damage Control

Kevin Swanson

I asked a favor of one of my sleuth readers and while searching he came across some interesting information.  Coming from a place where there was a no-talk rule and where things were not fully disclosed, I have a different policy here.  This is a place where I fully disclose, especially when there are unsuspecting loyal followers who might be harmed.I understand what it’s like to be a loyal follower. I once was one.  Blindly following a wolf caused a lot of problems for me and my family.  We are still paying the consequences.

Are you tired of reading about Swanson?  I’m sorry, I just can’t let his comment go yet.  You see, when people follow someone blindly, they take the things they say to heart.  I had a friend and neighbor who lost her baby about 4 months into her pregnancy.  Her doctor was not able to get her scheduled for a D&C for about a week.  That week was emotional hell for her.  It nearly did her in.  She was inconsolable.  She had a very hard time fathoming the idea of a dead fetus inside her.

Guess what Kevin did?  He told women that they very well could have dead fetuses embedded in their wombs if they took birth control pills.  This is the kind of stuff that messes with a woman’s head.  Can you imagine the idea of dead babies in your womb – – -babies that you cannot get rid of?  Dead fetuses stuck in your womb for years and years and you can’t get rid of them?  This is crazy-making stuff this guy made up.  Put this information in the head of an emotionally unstable or vulnerable person, and it could lead to dire consequences.

I’ve been around the homeschooling movement and have been exposed to other kinds of fear/paranoia tactics brought on by people like Swanson.  I’ve seen how it messes with people’s heads and can cause an emotional toll.  This is not right.  No doctor or scientist would have used the words, “dead babies” or “womb”.  Those are emotionally charged words that a person with an agenda would use to inflict fear on women.  This kind of emotional manipulation among church leaders makes me angry. 


Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15

Going back to that sleuth reader, apparently, Kevin Swanson or someone connected with his PR campaign is on a damage control mission.  I saw it done by my former pastor (removing/editing Google reviews, changing church website, removing key portions of his “press release).  We saw it with the Bishop Jackson video where he suggestively and inappropriately laid on top of a guy in an ordination ceremony.  When truth is exposed, these folks go into damage control mode.  Perhaps Kevin Swanson does not realize this is the modern age – the age in which he cannot hide things very well online.  Someone removed the radio interview from Swanson’s website.

If you want to check out the site where the radio interview was originally posted, you will find this:

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Here is what used to be on the site:

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Silly Kevin.  Never fear, beloved readers, I have found another source for the radio interview so you can listen to it at your leisure.  If you take blood pressure meds, you might need to up your dosage before listening to it.

Additionally, I noticed the conversation on his Generations Radio Facebook page is gone.  I was part of the conversation that had around 35 comments.  It might just be hidden.  I still have a screen shot of it.

On his Generations Radio Facebook page, there is a link to his new blog post response:  The Birth Control Revisited.  I have added my comment on Facebook.  I’m still waiting for one of two things:  Mr. Swanson to cite real sources from doctors/scientists or to retract his comment.

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19 thoughts on “My Response to Kevin Swanson’s Non-Response about Embedded Dead Babies and Damage Control”

  1. Julie Anne writes: I understand what it’s like to be a loyal follower. I once was one. Blindly following a wolf caused a lot of problems for me and my family. We are still paying the consequences.

    The consequences are profound. And that is why, if we’ve been given strength and a sword, we must faithfully be about exposing these works and workers of darkness. The foul breath of these wolves enter into vulnerable sheep building strongholds of blind perceptions—“the better to eat you with!” says the wolves.

    Goodness Children of God! Where is the discernment within the body? Our good shepherd says, “My sheep know my voice and follow me. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” Yet the sheep are still being misled to the altar of darkness for the slaughter.

    The mystery: “Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me”(Colossians 1:27b-29).

    Keep up the good fight Julie Anne!


  2. I’m not tired of hearing about Swanson! I think his words need to be shouted out loud until people fully understand how absurd his words are. And, he needs to be reminded daily of how absurd his words are until he admits that they are absurd.

    Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to admit that his words are absurd.


  3. I think he knew they were absurd when he said them. Watching the video of him, he edges into it, saying he is beginning to get some indication, by some doctors. It’s as if he is not sure the words are going to come out of his mouth until they do. What power do the makers of the BC movie wield over him or what promises have they made to him to cause him to say something so stupid so publicly?


  4. wallflower: I think they are all in this bed together. It’s that same agenda and they will stand up for each other as long as they are together in this thing. They just overlook comments like this. RC Sproul, Jr. ignored my tweet asking if he talked with Swanson about this quote. Go figure.


  5. My thought is that he was chosen among them to make this comment. I agree that they are all in it together. They don’t have to stand up for him, because they knew he was going to say it. My belief is that this is pre-planned buzz for their movie. Now they just sit back and revel at how the word of their movie which might otherwise have been largely ignored spreads.


  6. Maybe so. RC seemed to imply he didn’t know about it. I just have a hunch that these guys say whatever they want that promotes their agenda. Hey, if it sounds good, let’s roll with it. You know what – I just remembered a comment about the negative response. I wish I could remember where I saw it. Maybe they like the negative publicity? If so, that’s kind of weird.


  7. They’re probably thinking that bad publicity is better than none. Regardless of the quality, it’s still publicity. Those who agree with them will flock to the movie because of the “persecution” while those who don’t might show up to see what all the fuss is about. Doesn’t matter that they’re presenting themselves as liars and their information as dated, flawed, false, and terribly biased.


  8. Crazy stuff, Julie Anne. I’ve been homeschooling for 20 years, and I never heard of Swanson. I guess that’s because I’ve never been into the conference thing or paid any attention to the national “Christian” homeschooling movement. I’ve always just kinda done my own thing – never participated in any co-ops or joined any organizations or subscribed to magazines. Now I’m really glad I went that route!

    What’s interesting to me is that it seems like a lot of Christians I know are giving up homeschooling and sending their kids to public schools, but at the same time homeschooling is gaining momentum among those who would not identify themselves as Christians or who even call themselves agnostics or atheists. I’m friends with a number of them. I doubt that they would ever mix with the “Christian” homeschoolers, but you never know. If they would, they might bring a breath of fresh air and sanity to the homeschool movement.


  9. Marge, you were smart. I have gone to maybe a handful of conventions over the 20+ years. That is where I became acquainted with some of the names and then looked them up online. Another avenue is online homeschool forums, etc. Swanson is new to me and I found him through his connection with Doug Phillips. We heard Doug Phillips speak a couple times, bought some of his CDs and somehow got on the Vision Forum mailing list. Over the years I have become increasingly alarmed at Doug Phillips, so when investigating his friends, I have been able to see the same red flags.

    I am one of those who has started sending kids to public school. I’m burned out. There, I said it. When we moved to OR early over 10 yrs ago, I got on a homeschool e-mail group and it was filled with a smorgasborg of homeschoolers from Christian to atheist. That e-mail group opened my eyes to some of the differences. I think it was in that group that I learned that HSLDA did not always benefit ALL homeschoolers and many homeschoolers were mad at the way they presumed to speak for them.

    I think homeschooling is great option when you stick with the academics and have fun learning along with your children.


  10. Julie Anne –

    Just popped in to see if there had been a response from Swanson. I gather there has been no sources cited (because they don’t exist?) and no apology for the “fear” he may have caused in the minds of thousands of women. Don’t hold your breath waiting — you’ll turn blue, and a blue skinned red head . . . would be a sight 😉 Apologies and honesty don’t seem to be the norm for the very public Christians in our midst. The lack of both are becoming a sad pattern.


  11. I wonder if Randy Alcorn knows that this nut job is linking to his article. I skimmed the Alcorn article and nowhere does it say, or even allude to dead fetuses being stuck in the womb. In fact Alcorn’s article states on several occasions that the pill prevents implantation. If implantation is prevented, than how, according to Swanson, could this happen “(identifying the remains or “impressions” of aborted fertilized eggs in the wombs of women on the contraceptive pill.)”

    Keep up the good work Julie Anne.


  12. jlo – Good point! I have no idea if Alcorn knows. I don’t think he is of the Swanson/Sproul/Phillips camp.

    Bridget – blue-skinned redhead – lol – sounds a little patriotic – haha 🙂 No, I don’t expect apologies. He will go on. He probably won’t say that quote again, but I expect something equally as offensive to come out of his mouth. Because as long as his agenda remains the same, he will stoop to the same emotionally manipulative tactics to draw people in, sadly.


  13. Julie Anne,
    I think the fact that the video and comments are gone is Swanson’s response (or non-response) to you. Since he couldn’t back up his statements, he just removed all evidence that he’d ever spoken to begin with. Keep dogging him!
    And I totally get you about being burned out with homeschooling. There is NO shame in that. What’s most important is that they have a Mom who loves them and is involved with them. That can happen in homeschooling and public schooling. I’m not for or against either. But I am so over with the homeschooling agenda. (And, yes, I’m still homeschooling. At least until they’re caught up for “regular” school.) You rock!


  14. Btdt, I am still homeschooling. We have a mixed bag going on. Also, in our state there is Running Start offered for high schoolers, so the kids are able to take their jr/sr year at the junior college. They can graduate from high school and get their Associates at the same time.


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