Christian Marriage, Courtship, Doug Wilson, Failure to Report Crimes, Marriage, Marriages Damaged-Destroyed by Sp. Ab., Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Sexual Abuse/Assault and Churches

Pastor Doug Wilson, A Serial Pedophile, and the Real Victims

Pastor Doug Wilson and Ed Iverson encourage marriage of Pedophile Steven Sitler, Christ Church

Sins are like grapes; they come in bunches. ~Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson, Steven Sitler, Pedophile

I read a disturbing article yesterday that sent me reeling. I think we always want to hope for the best in people, but after having seen this pattern taken place so many times, those who were familiar with the story could see the inevitable train wreck before it took place. Our fears were in fact confirmed this week, and I am heartbroken.

Many times when we hear of breaking scandalous stories, the focus is on the perpetrator and those who enabled the abuse. The background to this story can be broken down into several important topics, and I hope other bloggers will cover some of the other aspects to this story. (A little bird told me that The Wartburg Watch will also be covering part of this story later today.) But for this initial post, the victims will be the primary focus, as they should be. They are the ones we need to protect and defend.

Background Information

In Fall of 2003, Steven Sitler moved from Moscow, Idaho to attend New Saint Andrews College (NSA). Sitler attended Christ Church, pastored by Doug Wilson. When he came to Moscow, ”No one knew at the time, however, that Steven Sitler was also a serial pædophile who preyed upon boys and girls, ages 2–12, and who left a trail of victims in at least two other states prior to his arrival in Moscow” (Source).

In March of 2005, the parents of one victimized child notified Doug Wilson, who advised them to retain the Christ Church’s attorney to accompany them as they notified legal authorities of the crime. This marks the beginning of Sitler’s legal issues.

About this time, Doug Wilson began counseling with Steven Sitler. To make a very long story short, Sitler was convicted, served time, took a plea deal, and will have supervised parole for the rest of his life.

A note of interest is the letter that Doug Wilson sent to the judge essentially defending Sitler and asking for leniency. Yes, you read that correctly – leniency for a serial pedophile! Doug Wilson told the Judge Stegner he had been providing counseling to Steven Sitler for only SIX times, gave him some books to read, and assignments to do between sessions. He stated that at the beginning of their counseling sessions, Sitler didn’t know the nature of his problem, but was later convinced that Sitler was open and honest when he confessed his thought life and behavior.  The final paragraph of Wilson’s letter reads:

I am grateful Steven was caught, and am grateful he has been brought to account for these actions so early in his life. . . . At the same time, I would urge that the civil penalties applied would be measured and limited. I have good hope that Steve has genuinely repented, and that he will continue to deal with this to become a productive and contributing member of society.

Ed Iverson and Doug Wilson Encourage Courtship and Marriage of Steven Sitler

Fast forward a few years and time served, and now a young lady is on the scene. Let me introduce you to Katie Travis. Katie had posted her personal story online, but it has since been taken down. But it is possible to piece together her story from others who have quoted the words from her online journal.

Katie moved to Idaho to attend New Saint Andrews College from Fallon, Nevada. She lived with the family of Ed Iverson whom she had known several years before arriving at NSA. Mr. Iverson was NSA’s librarian and also an elder at Doug Wilson’s church, Christ Church.  Reports are conflicting as to their relationship, whether he was her grandfather by blood or acted as a father figure, but it is clear that she looked to him as a respected father figure, and he readily assumed that trusted role in her personal life.

At the age of 23, Katie was at the prime of life, single, and ready to find a husband and start a family like all young ladies who are brought up in Patriarchy. In Christian Patriarchy circles, women are encouraged to marry young, so 23 years was pushing it. Several reports indicated that Katie felt the pressure to find a husband in short order because most of her friends were courting or married. She asked Mr. Iverson to assist her in finding a spouse, and he eagerly agreed.

Are you picking up on this culture? Katie asked a family friend to find someone to court. He was to choose for her, not the other way around. And this was normal and what Katie wanted.

On August 18, 2010, Mr. and Mrs. Iverson invited Steven Sitler to come to their home for dinner. This dinner was set up for the express purpose of introducing Steven and Katie for the possibility of a future courtship. “Ed Iverson’s description of Katie was that, though NSA was tough for her, she persevered through and she was, “pretty good looking, too” (Source).

While Doug Wilson and Ed Iverson were obviously fine with this possible courtship and marriage, it’s important to note that the Department of Corrections did not support the idea of marriage for Steven Sitler at all.

Steven posted his account of their joyous meeting on the internet:

“We met on August 18th, 2010 at the insistence of Mr. and Mrs. Iverson. One week later we were writing emails like it was going out of style. On Katie’s first visit back to Moscow in October, we had our first date, after which I asked her father if I could start courting her. I got the pleasure of spending Christmas break with Katie’s awesome family and decided on a whim to ask her to “merry” (misspelling intentional, more on that later) me on our second date. Of course it wasn’t really a whim, I had been meticulously planning it for months. She was shocked… and speechless, but finally she said yes, and the rest, as they say, is history. I love you., Katie” (The Real Doug Wilson Encouraged & Presided Over the Marriage of a Serial Pedophile).

Katie and Steven wed on June 11, 2011.  At one time, there was a video of the wedding posted online. It has since been removed, but here is a screenshot of the video. [Note: I was asked to remove the screenshot here.]

Breaking News for the Sitler Case

Yesterday, reported (my bolding):

“A Latah County 2nd District Court judge ordered Tuesday that a convicted sex offender, Steven Sitler, must continue to have an approved chaperone present, within his direct line of sight, at all times he is around his infant child in the wake of new disclosures of “contact resulting in actual sexual stimulation.”

This was the train wreck we feared. The article stated that Katie was now disqualified as a chaperone “for failure to report disclosures related directly to the couple’s son and Sitler was required to move out of their home” (Source).

Ok, this is just sad for all involved.  I have a lot to say about Doug Wilson but I’m biting my tongue for the moment. What I’d like to discuss is Katie.

Katie’s World as Wife and Mom

Katie and her infant son are victims of her husband’s criminal behavior. Imagine Katie being in a town away from parents and her own pastor and trusted father figure selected a serial pedophile for a husband. They had to convince her that Steven had repented. Who was she to second guess Mr. Iverson and Pastor Wilson?  They wouldn’t do anything to harm her, right?

In these circles, Katie would be expected to serve and submit to her husband and bear his children. But how does that work when the State says he can’t be around children? Doug Wilson knew this before he married them. Professionals warned that marriage was not a wise idea, but the State had no laws to prevent it from happening.

The article states that “the Idaho Department of Corrections would try to remove his wife and parents as chaperones.” This suggests to me that Katie and parents were not responsible in guarding the baby. Do you see this never-ending conflict? Katie of course wants her husband to have a relationship with his son, but yet she also has to police him? How does this work in a home where she is to obey her husband as head of the home? What an awkward position to put grandparents in, watching Steven like a hawk. There is no relaxing in this home, there is always a threat if Steven is in the premises.

but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.  
Matthew 18:6


Life Sentence

When Ed Iverson and Katie’s parents agreed to the courtship of Katie and Steven, and then Doug Wilson agreed to officiate in this fiasco of a wedding, they pronounced a life sentence on Katie and her child, and extended family.  She will never be able to live as a normal wife and mother. This infant has already been sexually violated. Imagine the emotional stress in the home, always looking, trying to be vigilant, yet also trying to find a sense normal. There is no good thing in this situation, and Doug Wilson as pastor failed this young woman and her child. This is shameful behavior for a pastor who is supposed to be shepherding and protecting. What kind of shepherd intentionally puts sheep in harm’s way?  One who is arrogant to think he can determine whether a serial pedophile is repentant or not.

The actions by Doug Wilson, I believe, also constitute as spiritual abuse. Katie put her trust in her spiritual leader to guide her and protect her. He asked for leniency for Steven – that is not protecting her. Wilson married them. That was also not protecting her. How might this affect how she trusts spiritual authority? If her pastor told her this, will she be upset at God for allowing it to happen? There are so ways this could lead to a real crisis of faith. I pray it doesn’t.

I sure hope Doug Wilson apologizes to this family for the harm he has caused them. What a disgrace not only to this family, but to the world as they once again see how Christian leaders mess up so badly.
photo credit: Grapes via photopin (license)

341 thoughts on “Pastor Doug Wilson, A Serial Pedophile, and the Real Victims”

  1. This is an awful level of spiritual abuse. This is what Karen Hinkley likely avoided. She was informed. The wife here was not. Sad. Disgusting. Angering. PREVENTABLE. That’s the nicest thing I can say about this.

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  2. I have questions. Were Katie and her parent’s ever informed of Sitler’s criminal past? I understand that Wilson knew and agree with Barb on the punishment they should both get. I’m thinking a few other tortures before we get to the hung, drawn and quartered. Wilson should be boosted just for the letter he wrote to the judge.

    I know that this was not Katie’s fault and she should be granted an annulment IMO. I hope that she will seek one once she grasps what has happened. The child should never have to see his father. There needs to be no relationship with this man. It is just plain ridiculous to think there needs to be. Katie and her child deserve better.

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  3. “[C]ontact resulting in actual sexual stimulation.”

    Surely this is a violation of the terms and conditions of parole, and the perp is on his way back to prison?

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  4. I am physically ill after reading this. As a mother of daughters, I hope and pray her parents didn’t know about his criminal past. Because the alternative is unimaginable.
    Young women are taught to keep themselves pure and unblemished in this culture only to be thrown to perverts to “cure” their deviant sexual addictions? Are we to be told that, as in the case of Josh Duggar’s wife this is somehow her fault now?? I can’t begin to imagine what this poor woman is dealing with emotional and physically right now! What separates this doctrine from the Muslim Extremists that we condemn so vehemently?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I was a mess yesterday after reading this on twitter, it makes sense why you asked for prayer while writing this. I am sick at heart & outraged at how vile Doug Wilson’s actions were. Is he evil or just stupid? As with everyone my heart goes out to Katie and her baby, omg, why isn’t Steven in prison?

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Katie and her son have been sacrificed on the altar of Doug Wilson’s monstrous ego. He cannot admit that there is anything he does not understand, like pedophilia. Anyone who believes he is omniscient and prophetic – Godlike – is a delusional and dangerous fool.

    There is no psychiatrist in the world who would have publicly predicted whether or not Sitler would reoffend. I imagine that most would have privately expected recidivism given the repetitiveness of his behavior. Wilson, however, not only decided that Sitler wouldn’t reoffend, he was willing to ask for leniency and promote a marriage.

    Pastors like Wilson believe that people molest children because they lack a relationship to an adult of the opposite sex. It certainly does happen that an immoral adult who cannot attract another adult might victimize a child, but true pedophilia involves a sexual preference for children and is not curable.

    There are pedophiles who do not act on their desires and there may be those who do so and are horrified and repentant and seek treatment and medication to prevent relapse. But in this case, Sitler was not ‘repentant’ until he got caught. He decided that satisfying his desires was more important than the lives of children and he victimized one after the other. I expected recidivism and am heartsick to have been right.

    I believe Sitler is a predator; he is evil. But so is Wilson who put his own theological ideas ahead of the life of a child.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. THIS is yet another reason why the Christian Patriarchy Movement is toxic. It places women and children at the mercy of men, and when those men are predatory, there are no protective mechanisms in place. Men can commit vile acts with impunity in this system.

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  8. This is so sad and I feel so bad for Katie. I am assuming she still feels bound to her husband even though he has sexually abused her child. And to think of the masterful players behind all of this – sickening!

    Julie Anne – I know how hard this was for you to write up. Thank you for being able to work through all of that in order to make sure this story is continued to be heard. Make sure you do something nice for yourself today!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Brenda R. asked, “Were Katie and her parent’s ever informed of Sitler’s criminal past?” The court had to grant permission for the wedding to take place to begin with. I don’t see how they couldn’t be aware of his past.

    Wilson’s brand of Patriarchy is what I’d call Shepherding Patriarchy. Not only are wives and children under the husband’s/father’s authority, but all church members are under the spiritual authority of the pastor/elders. If Iverson and Wilson give their blessing to the marriage of Katie and Steven, who is to question them?

    Liked by 5 people

  10. Anyone unfamiliar with how Doug Wilson’s church operates can find a humorous take on it at

    I’ve followed Rose Huskey’s comments there for a while. She has dogged this story from the beginning, and gives updates on the recent court hearings which she attended.


  11. BTDT,
    This makes me sicker yet. Katie was brainwashed through her life and married a pedophile, bore him a child for him to abuse. I question Iverson and Wilson’s existence, much less their authority. People who promote these things should be in prison right along side the perp.

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  12. This is heartbreaking, compounded all the more by the frequency of this type of occurrence (pastors declaring someone ‘healed’ of pedophilia) and the simple steps it would have taken to prevent it.

    From the County’s Prosecuting Attorney: “Everybody would love for Mr. Sitler to become a normal person, but the fact is he is not. He is a serial child sexual abuser.” (Wilson, Iverson, et al, take note.)

    At least NSA does not currently offer a degree in counseling.

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  13. This is surely one of the least important points from this whole fiasco but HOW exactly does one plea out of A LIFE SENTENCE? Try pulling that off with drug possession or a DUI resulting in injury. Apparently it’s a greater crime to injure an adult or YOURSELF than to sexually abuse children under 12.

    But I don’t expect the state to place appropriate weight on crimes against humanity, to understand sin nature and the human heart. I would say I expect that from the church but at this point, I really really don’t.

    Thanks for reporting on this.

    Liked by 5 people

  14. I remember someone on some blog predicting this would occur. I’m grieved for Katie and her baby. This is a perfect example of how this twisted bunch of “men” have bastardized the scriptures to create a system where the end product is destroyed lives. Patriarchy is just that in the end, destruction. Weak & pathetic men who instead of dealing with their issues pursue status as a leader/ teacher/ pastor. Patriarchal qualifications of having a penis is easy for most men, so we get the extremely poor leadership of idiots like Wilson who propagate horrible theories like marriage cures the PERV.

    Examples: SMG told the wife of a child molester to lock her one child’s bedroom door at night, have more frequent sexual relations with her husband, and send the molested child to live with someone else ( the pervert was by court order barred from being in the same home with the victim) SO DADDY THAT MOLESTED THIS CHILD COULD RETURN AS HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD.

    The Duggars pushed Josh into a early marriage / family as the obviously knew they had a problem.

    A wife whose husband was fired for viewing porn on work computers was fired after repeated warnings after he infected the systems at the business with a horrible virus that shut the business down for several days, that her family was suffering now because she wasn’t ” taking care of him”.

    A woman from another blog was in the hospital having another child. Her patriarch/husband / COVERING/ umbrella of authority came into the hospital room and insisted on having anal sex with her several hours after she delivered his child. He was so rough with her in his porn fueled sexual rage ( for lack of a better term) that he ripped out several of her sutures. Women in these circles are being told they are obligated to be submissive and are responsible when their husbands commit sexual sin. The whole he did it because you are depriving him, BARF BARF. No he did it because he is DEPRIVED, a sinner that is stuck in a filthy porn center lifestyle.

    My sister is a Christian counselor ( the real licensed professional type) and she would tell you this is NOT an isolated occurrence. She deals with the emotion damage caused by these patriarchal wackjobs like Wilson all the time.

    Time for the church, for our elders and men in the pew to grow a pair and speak out against this vile evil, this FALSE TEACHING. God’s Holy Word is being manipulated and used to teach something that it clearly doesn’t say. It is being used by deviant men to justify and scapegoat their sin. This is obviously an organized effort and is just as horrifying as any of the other sicko cults like that Warren Jeffs creepo.

    The patriarchal movement is evil, the results are the abuse we see everywhere, the destroyed lives like Katie. Please join me in praying for this young lady. Her situation breaks my hurt,

    Liked by 6 people

  15. More “same old, same old” from that CULT in Moscow, Idaho.

    Always trying to take over the town like the Rajneeshees did Antelope and Scientology tried (“Clearing”) various Third World countries when Elron was on the lam in international waters.


  16. Sorry for being so rude and direct. What I said about Mr. TT yesterday, I repeat today to Mr. Wilson, “Go and dig graves or sweep streets. Hopefully you won’t screw up as much in these fields.” On the other hand, probably he will mess up even that.

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  17. @akbarrett:

    This is surely one of the least important points from this whole fiasco but HOW exactly does one plea out of A LIFE SENTENCE? Try pulling that off with drug possession or a DUI resulting in injury.

    We know the Kirk(TM) is after political power.
    (In GAWD’s Name of course. Today Moscow, Idaho; Tomorrow the World?)

    Are any of the court system (judges, prosceutors, administrators/bureaucrats) members of the Kirk(TM)?


  18. @BrendaR:

    I question Iverson and Wilson’s existence, much less their authority.

    “If you question anything I do
    You Rebel against The Father too!”
    — Steve Taylor, “I Manipulate”


  19. akbarratt, It’s important to note that Wilson and his entourage are a very big presence in Moscow. I find it very interesting that based on one letter, he got the sentence reduced. Maybe it’s who you know in town.

    BTW, it’s a few hour’s drive from me. Maybe it’s time for a day trip. Doug just tagged me in a tweet, maybe I should hit him up for a cup of Joe when I visit.

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  20. So many of us have been scarred by ‘these movements’ … Because the father of my now adult children was a passive controller I am seen as the controller of the family because I finally confronted the sexual sins of ‘him’. My voice took on an edginess and tone that ‘the family’ was not used to. I had finally enough deceitfulness and lying!
    I am now being blamed for so much; I know it is being done to dissuade from others’ sins; including the churches who still condone such sick behaviour because ‘boys will be boys’. (hey, they’re just experimenting with their sexual identity, UGH) 😦


  21. It appears that the perp is on life-time probation, which can be revoked by the judge. Why he did not revoke it is a puzzle. But there is no one willing to appeal the decision not to revoke! Perhaps a DA needs to get a spine.

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  22. I can’t decide whether Katie Travis or Anna Duggar has it worse right now. Perhaps the question isn’t even all that meaningful. All I know for sure is that both are living a nightmare, and I can’t imagine anyone who would envy either of them.

    No word yet from Wilson regarding this horror, brought about in part by his negligence and arrogance. Will he speak on the matter at all? If he thinks he can ignore it forever, then he has even less wisdom than I gave him credit for.

    Thank you for working up the strength to write about this, JA. You have more fortitude than I do, I think. And definitely more discernment than Douglas Wilson.

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  23. Sick. I am heartbroken for Katie and her son. So sick. Her life (and the potential for disaster for any children) it seems was never fully considered worth protecting and worth affirming as precious. Her well being and her best interests were never considered as important as fulfilling the whole Patriarchy charade.
    Where is the outrage in the homeschooling community??? Why does this get ignored, but boy oh boy, let’s protect our “rights” to homeschool.
    I homeschooled for years, am not anti-homeschool, but the disconnect within this wing of the movement is just unbelievable.
    Thank you Julie Anne for reporting this and I can see why you’ve been hurting. Praying for all involved.

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  24. I suspected this was the story you were working on, JA, and just reading the one report wrecked me. There’s sickness in the world, but I expect it there. This is beyond sickness; it is grotesque. On top of this evil, I doubt this woman will be supported as she should be to divorce and protect her child, but in fact, rather, the reverse. She has been given a life sentence of abuse.


  25. Yup, Melody – that’s exactly why I said life sentence. There is no turning back on the fact that she now has an infant son from her pedophile husband. There’s no turning back on the fact that she has to guard children from her husband at all times. What a huge amount of pressure and responsibility on her that was so unnecessary.

    I’m not a fan of selecting spouses, but they could have done much better. How is this protecting her from harm?What kind of father would do this to their daughter (real father/father figure/and spiritual father – Wilson) – fathers who think the easy answer to a pedophile’s problem is to give him a woman to meet his sexual urges? Is that what this is about? ::shudder::

    Liked by 3 people

  26. What kind of father would do this to their daughter (real father/father figure/and spiritual father – Wilson) – fathers who think the easy answer to a pedophile’s problem is to give him a woman to meet his sexual urges? Is that what this is about?

    Or, perhaps since Sitler’s probation requires that he “is prohibited from associating with anyone under the age of 18 without supervision of an approved chaperone,” Iverson and Wilson saw Katie as an opportunity to meet the chaperone requirements. They certainly didn’t have Katie’s best interests in mind, but had been defending Sitler long before Katie came into the picture.

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  27. From the bottom of my heart, Julie Anne, thank you for covering this painful topic (and any other bloggers who do same and have/are covering abuses in the church).

    It’s this kind of sick theology (the repentance card of offenders, he’s a man, the arrogance of pastors/elders who think they have it all together and can bypass what is actually known about predators) that has resulted in an epidemic of child sexual abuse in the evangelical church, that according to experts like Church Mutual (the largest insurer of churches in the US) and attorneys like Richard Hammer at Church Law & Tax (he notes in his yearly reports that the sexual abuse of minors is the No. 1 reason that churches are sued every single year, year after year, after he’s reviews more than 10,000 cases a year).

    Dr. Anna Salter’s well known book on this subject:
    Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders, Who They Are, How They Operate, and How We Can Protect Ourselves and Our Children, and Truth, Lies and Sex Offenders

    An interview with Dr. Anna Salter about predators:

    Child Sexual Abuse in the church article:

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  28. We know some people who are members of Doug Wilson’s church. I shared this story and they are calling this bogus. Do you have a source for your information that I can share with them?


  29. Men who truly love Christ protect the weak from the evil. The Bible commands helping the fatherless and the widow.
    A man who helped to change the eternal punishment Christ announced for a pedophile (a long, slow death by drowning) by writing a letter to a judge claiming mitigating factors for this pedophile is an anti-Christ.
    Raping a 2 year old or sexually abusing your newborn son? I know this board tends to look with suspicion upon males who feel it is one of their jobs to protect their families from harm, but my job as a father is to protect my children from men who are as perverted and evil as this pedophile AND this “pastor.” If my son or daughter were to start to be led astray by a false teacher, it is my duty to show them in the Bible their unbiblical teachings. Throughout the epistles Paul warns his brothers and sisters about false teachers. Its nothing new since Satan wants to destroy churches as quickly as possible.
    A true Christian man could not tolerate more than a fleeting moment listening to this pedophile describe his sexual attacks on a 2 year old before telling him to simply disappear and spend the rest of his life on earth away from children. After all, this life is but a vapor. Spend the rest of your life never harming a child again and perhaps Jesus will reconsider your eternity when He sees a lifetime of repentance. But your actions have brought a lifetime of pain to the innocent, so the wages of your sin are just.
    Before evil men like Alfred Kinsley poisoned our judicial system with his lies about sexuality, the only future for a pedophile like this was a death sentence. I would remind the pedophile that he should already be dead, so live your newfound life without blemish and be thankful you are like a living dog compared to a dead lion. You still have hope.
    I understand that many will think that patriarchy is the reason for the pain this young mom is going through. This young mom is in a very difficult place because of sin, a lack of punishment and an anti-Christ who claims he is a man of God. Had the civil authorities upheld their sentence, he could not have married. Had a real Christian been involved in hearing about his crimes, a real Christian would have gone to great lengths to ensure he spent his life in jail.
    Now this mom and baby need help with real world issues. Julie, you have access to my e-mail. If you think this mom and baby can be rescued from the nightmare of this anti-Christ pastor and pedophile (hopefully soon to be ex) husband, please let me know and my family will provide for her to start a new life. Hopefully, you know someone who can reach out to her and see if she would like to walk away and start over again.
    Our family did this for a woman with 5 children in a similar situation. We never met her, we met all of her financial needs for 6 months, she got divorced from her pedophile husband, got a great job and last we heard she is living a wonderful new life.

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  30. From Vision20/20, a Moscow, Idaho, community forum, I found a post from someone who was at the hearing:

    “Sitler is the kind of stuff nightmares are made of, and no child will ever be safe when Sitler is around. He fundamentally defective in a way that simply cannot be fixed, as evidenced by the fact that even after nearly a decade of treatment, he is still sexually stimulated by physical contact with his own infant son.”

    The very first, brief post on the above link (written by a Tom Hansen, Moscow, Idaho), reveals that he will ask the Latah County Clerk next week for all docs from the hearing and will post them at the link he gives in his comment-so save the link if you are interested in reading.


  31. “A man who helped to change the eternal punishment Christ announced for a pedophile (a long, slow death by drowning) by writing a letter to a judge claiming mitigating factors for this pedophile is an anti-Christ.” A ChristianFather/Husband

    Thanks for posting your offer to help this Mom and child escape her pedophile husband (and your story that your family previously helped another mom and her children in this kind of terrible situation).

    By the way, in my experience the people on this board respect all men and women who protect children (and others from abuse). It’s the patriarchy movement’s proof-texting and scripture twisting to suit their own agenda, that even conservative older Christians have said *never used to be this way and taught*, that many people are opposing and its attendant abuses.

    In my own case this past year I was ordered to be excommunicated/shunned from my NeoCal Church for opposing the pastors/elders bringing their friend an ex-con, Megan’s List sex offender to church, giving him church membership, putting him in a position of leadership and trust, giving him latitude to attend all church events (including the Bible study that I went to in which parents brought their children) and not informing all members/adults and putting strict restrictions on him (including evangelizing him separately from the church’s members and children), that got me told by my pastors/elders that I was *destined for Hell*. The pastors/elder said the sex offender was coming off Megan’s List of sex offenders. His supervising law enforcement agency called that “all lies” and “total lies”. They called the California Attorney General’s Office which maintains my state’s Megan’s List of sex offenders. The Attorney General’s office confirmed that the pastors/elders story to me was *all lies* and *total lies*.

    The patriarchal-believing pastor/elders told me that if a father in a family permitted the sex offender to touch the family’s children (I had seen the sex offender run his hands through the hair of my friend’s 4-year old son and my friends hadn’t seen it and had no idea the man was a sex offender) that the mother would have*no say* and his decision *was final*. The pastors/elders told me they had no problem with the sex offender touching children and they permitted him to touch their own. They vouched for him. He was a long-time friend. They visited him in prison. (And despite his sexual interest in children, they are still willing to put everybody else in danger!!!)

    Mother are required by law to protect their children. If their children are harmed, a mother can be arrested, prosecuted, and charged with felony child abuse for their failure to protect their children from danger. They don’t get a “I left it all up to my husband to decide so I can get out of jail card” excuse. A conviction can mean prison time for a mom and child protective services can take away her children and put them in foster care.

    My pastors/elders called me and told me that I was to never contact law enforcement again about this sex offender and that I was to **submit to their authority*. That’s a felony crime that the pastors/elders can be arrested and prosecuted for called intimidating a witness.

    I lost all of my friendships of 8-years and I was *read out of the church* for being a vile person and that I should be shunned.

    And you know what, I would lose it all again because a 4year old boy (my friends’ son) was worth it!!! I’d lay down my life to protect that tyke. A sex offender wants to hurt that little boy, he’ll go through me first!!!!

    And the church wonders why the world holds it in so little esteem and why committed Christians, including older Christians, are getting up and walking out of churches and becoming The Dones (believers who are no longer members).

    Liked by 2 people

  32. “Before evil men like Alfred Kinsley poisoned our judicial system with his lies about sexuality….” A ChristianFather/Husband

    Actually, the judicial system has been getting better and better at handling cases of child sexual abuse. The laws are getting tougher and tougher, including The Adam Walsh Protection Act:

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  33. I think we just read a true Christian response from A Christian Father/Husband. Normally, I would be crying tears of joy. I think my emotions were spent up the last 2 days in anger and sadness. Bless you! I do have a way to contact a couple of locals and I’m actually less than 3 hours away from Moscow. Wouldn’t that be wonderful for her to get real help?


  34. @govpappy,

    By the way, I love your tweets GovPappy! So encouraging!
    Like this one:
    Gov. Pappy ‏@GovPappy · 24h24 hours ago
    If I see someone mistaking the protection of young’uns for “condemning someone to hell” ONE MORE TIME, so help me


    *Condemned to Hell* by my former church’s pastors/elders, excommunicated and shunned, for not bowing and scraping to them that their friend a convicted Megan’s List sex offender was fine to be around our church’s children.

    I guess I’ll be *seeing Jesus* in Hell too, since I heard He was fond of protecting children too!!!


  35. “The actions by Doug Wilson, I believe, also constitute as spiritual abuse.”

    This is absolutely the worst possible spiritual abuse conceivable to the mind: Two men charged with the care of Katie’s soul deliberately placed her in a circumstance from which she cannot recover unless the state incarcerates her husband for life or seizes her child for life.

    “Imagine the emotional stress in the home, always looking, trying to be vigilant, yet also trying to find a sense normal.”

    This sentence is wrong. I believe Katie was hand-picked by Iverson and Wilson for one reason: They knew they could convince her to protect the pedophile at all costs, just as they had done. So now that she has a newborn infant, she understands her role in life is to keep Sitler out of prison, even if it means not reporting him, which is exactly how she conducted herself.

    When Wilson married Katie to this ravenous wolf, I believe he did more than pronounce them man & wife — he normalized pedophilia for Katie. Marriage to a serial pedophile who desires to rape his own child is her “normal” and she lacks the mental capacity to understand why anyone would want to disrupt her happy little life. This is the fruit of Doug Wilson’s ministry.

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  36. “I sure hope Doug Wilson apologizes to this family for the harm he has caused them.”

    Presumably this is a joke, because Wilson never apologizes for any of his evil deeds. In fact, he is the kind of monster who would expect you to apologize for suggesting he owes an apology.

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  37. Wilson should make sure Sitler goes to prison, help Katie get a divorce, and support her and her child, wherever they want to live, until the child can support him/her self.

    That is, if he believes what he preaches.

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  38. Katie was hand-picked by Iverson and Wilson for one reason: They knew they could convince her to protect the pedophile at all costs, just as they had done.

    This is exactly what I’ve come to believe, Nat.


  39. “Wilson should make sure Sitler goes to prison, help Katie get a divorce, and support her and her child, wherever they want to live, until the child can support him/her self.”
    In Wilson’s book, Fidelity, Wilson writes on page 85 that child molesters should get the death penalty (except if you are Steven Sitler. You get a letter from Wilson asking the judge for “measured and limited” civil penalties).

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  40. @Julie Anne:
    You are correct, which is my mistake because I should have described a psychopathic narcissist.


  41. @govpappy,

    I don’t tweet. I just lurk. But you do a fantastic job with your tweets (and posts), and pictures. I laugh and I cry. Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  42. As for Katie, having grown up in a Patriarchal bubble, she will have had certain teachings drilled into her. For example, “For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.” I’m sure it was her heart’s desire to marry someone who loves and cherishes her. What a rip-off!

    I remember the article (which Wilson retracted) where DW said a husband should call the elders of the church to minister to a wife who didn’t do the dishes. If not doing dishes is worthy of discipline, can you imagine what Wilson would do to Katie if she stepped out of “her place?”

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  43. BTDT, here’s the quote on dishes. I still have 20 pages of notes opened on my Word document:

    The first time the dishes are not done, he must sit down with his wife immediately, and gently remind her that this is something which has to be done. At no time may he lose his temper, badger her, call her names, etc. He must constantly remember and confess that she is not the problem, he is. By bringing this gently to her attention, he is not to be primarily pointing to her need to repent; rather, he is exhibiting the fruit of his repentance.

    He does this, without rancour and without an accusative spirit, until she complies or rebels. If she complies, he must move up one step, now requiring that another of her duties be done. If she rebels, he must call the elders of the church and ask them for a pastoral visit. When the government of the home has failed to such an extent, and a godly and consistent attempt by the husband to restore the situation has broken down, then the involvement of the elders is fully appropriate.


  44. What is this passive-aggressive ?

    Sitting down with my wife about her problem, then saying it’s my fault, but she’ll need to fix it by doing the dishes or I’ll call the elders??

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  45. Julie Anne –

    I’m not to sure what Wilson, himself, believes about divorce. I can’t read him without wanting to scream. If he believes the Bible, then I assume he believes divorce is appropriate for adultery. If he had any sense, he would have protected Katie *from marrying* Sitler, who had already committed adultery with non-consenting children for goodness sake!!

    I’m wondering when Wson will post his statement about this issue — when the long holiday weekend is well under way?

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  46. Wilson defending himself about the case in 2006:

    As a pastor for almost thirty years, I have seen quite a number of people destroy their lives, marriages or both through sexual disobedience. Sometimes there is church discipline. Sometimes the cops need to be involved, along with the prosecutor. Sometimes lawyers help a couple divide up what they both threw away. Sometimes there are children who were abused, kids whose wounds won’t really bleed until they’ve grown. And so we can expect (at some point) the accusation that pastoring people who have wounded themselves this way is somehow a subsidy. But Jesus said that He came for the sick ones, not for the healthy. That is simply the grace and goodness of God.


  47. I can’t remember which of his books it was in, but unless his position has changed, Wilson does believe in divorce for adultery. He posited a scenario where a wife finds out her husband has been having gay flings on the side, and is completely unrepentant. Then he asks, “Can she divorce him? Yes, and she probably should.”


  48. I remember reading an article about this marriage. At the time I was horrified. I do remember that the court recommended against the marriage and that everyone involved knew about his past. What did Iverson and Wilson tell this poor girl to convince her it was okay to marry a convicted pedephile? If this woman is as “sheltered” as she is portrayed then Sitler has a wife who is most likely easy to manipulate. It is almost like she has Stockholm Syndrome.
    JA, I hope you can find someone in Moscow who has concern for Katie. Maybe someone in social services. The infant needs an advocate. From your article, it sounds like the congregation also have their heads in the sand. So sad.

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  49. Bill O’Reilly on Fox should really get on this story. He constantly covers pedophile stories where the judges/prosecutors fail & give lenient sentences. I know he thinks highly of himself, but he is good for this.


  50. Greetings,

    I haven’t read all the comments but there some misconceptions that I can clear up. I live in Moscow, Idaho and I have closely followed Steven Sitler and Jamin Wight (also associated – at the time – with Christ Church) who are both sex offenders. I will address Steven Sitler’s issues in this message.

    Katie Sitler (nee Travis) had a complete and through understanding of Steven Sitler’s offenses prior to her marriage. She met with Probation and Parole officers and they carefully and clearly explained his offenses. Her father had to have known as well as he gave permission for Steven to court her – at a family party with his old friend Ed Iverson (who was the librarian at New Saint Andrews College at the time) and had first hand knowledge of the whole unsavory mess. In order for Katie to become an “approved chaperon” she was educated on his offenses, the mind set and manipulations of sex offenders by State of Idaho certified sexual offender treatment providers. She also was interview extensively by Idaho Probation and Parole officers and passed a criminal background check. The Latah County Prosecutor opposed the marriage in a courtroom hearing June 1, 2011 as did an officer representing Probation and Parole because Steven Sitler was quite clear in his desire to have a family. Unfortunately, there is no law that could prevent a pedophile from marrying. However, the judge did say if children were born of the marriage the issue would be revisited. Prior to the wedding I wrote to her home church pastor in Fallon, Nevada. He was a graduate of Doug Wilson’s grotesque, homemade seminary, Greyfriars Hall. I also wrote privately and publicly to the Christ Church elders, (who remain in office today), and the minister of the local Nazarene Church where the wedding took place. None of the responded.

    On September 1, 2015 Katie’s Sitler’s status as an approved chaperon was removed as were the chaperon privileges of Steven Sitler’s parents. Steven had disclosed to both his wife and his parents inappropriate thoughts (to his parents) and physical responses regarding his son to his wife and psychologist. None of the people reported his disclosures (as they were required to do) to the authorities.

    Steven Sitler has repeatedly failed questions on recent polygraphs. I have no idea what the content of the questions are. In Idaho, materials related to polygraphs are sealed from the public. It is my understanding that Steven Sitler has been ordered to be begin relapse treatment from the sexual offender treatment providers and will also continue therapy with his local psychologist. It is my opinion that since he has been under “treatment” for ten years, has “graduated” from the sexual offender treatment program, (after at least seven years of treatment and group therapy) and has also maintained regular contact with his local psychologist for ten years it is highly unlikely that he will ever be safe around young children.

    Every single person directly involved with this unholy union knew about his past offenses. I have no compassion for any of them. I remain very concerned about an infant whose mother will not put his safety before all other obligations.

    Rosemary Huskey

    JA note: revised p/request.

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  51. Thank you, Rosemary. I have seen your name when researching this case several years ago. I appreciate you sharing your insight.

    One question for you – are you saying that the psychologist also failed to report the physical responses to authorities?


  52. Rose, thank you for providing facts. Do you happen to know if there are any connections between the judge and the Kirk? Is he a member there? I noticed in reading about this that the judge’s name appears to be the same as the judge who originally heard the June 1 case before the June 11 wedding.


  53. Thanks Rose.

    This case blows my mind. What was Katie (and her family) thinking and what with? A sex offender with this kind of history is considered viable dating material and marriage material? Seriously?????

    I would rather stay home and clean the dirt out from underneath the refrigerator than ever date a man with this kind of evil history toward children.

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  54. I am saying the psychologist did not report to the authorities; in fact, quite the contrary. In a letter he recently wrote to the Court he described Steven as “exceptionally honest.” The judge is John Stegner. He has absolutely no connection to Christ Church. He has a stellar reputation. I know him and respect him. One of the difficulties, from my perspective, is that as much as I wish he could be proactive in this kind of case the law prevents it. Thoughts and feelings are not prosecutable – actions are. So far, Steven Sitler has only admitted to thoughts and feelings. I can’t imagine how anyone will catch him in the act. Steven’s conditions of probation are being currently evaluated. I haven’t seen the new list – I hope to early next week. One point that most people are not aware of is how smart Steven is. He is currently earning a PhD in Chemical Engineering! They don’t grow on trees. He presents as charming, sincere, engaging, and as an unbelievably polished manipulator. A truly dangerous con man.



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  55. “I haven’t seen the new list – I hope to early next week. One point that most people are not aware of is how smart Steven is. He is currently earning a PhD in Chemical Engineering! They don’t grow on trees. He presents as charming, sincere, engaging, and as an unbelievably polished manipulator. A truly dangerous con man. “-Rose

    That’s what Dr. Anna Salter and other experts have pointed out about predators:
    they are extremely cunning.

    Thanks for sharing more about this case, Rose.


  56. Rose, thank you for your informative comments! Do you know if Wilson, Iverson and Katie all believed that true repentance would result in God curing Sitler’s desire for children?


  57. Katie was a very young and very immature when she married and is the most likely to think so. Ed iverson is a sycophant and will do what ever he is told to do. He would never have arranged the introduction of Katie and Steven without Doug’s permission. Steven’s repentance was clearly not genuine and even if that were known by Doug and Ed it would not have prevented the marriage. Wilson always has his eye on the main chance. i believe, after watching him closely reading his blog for over a decade, that the only thing Doug Wilson believes in is himself. He is a disgrace to the gospel.

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  58. You know this one has been the worst post ever. I can’t stop thinking about Katie and her baby. It is beyond comprehension that anyone would follow Wilson or the other elders referred to by Velour. Reminds me of the Fairfax, Virginia location of SGM. They threatened a victim’s family with church discipline for going to the police. They then told members not to talk with the Fairfax County Police detective. A first year law student could make a case for obstruction of justice for that. A gifted prosecutor could get it to accessory after the fact. I can’t believe we have pastors all over the country covering up sexual abuse of children. This is just so sick , I’m enraged. In the SGM case a 3 month old baby had oral sex performed on her by a church member working in child care. Instead of kicking him out of the church they restored him and threatened the victim’s family. This is UNFIRGIVABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE. If you take your children to a church that has done such a thing you are no better than a child molester in my book. In fact I just don’t trust these idiots that stay in a church like SGM and make excuses for idiots like Mark Mullery and the two Hinders clowns This just sickens me, makes me want to post a google review on Wilson’s church to warn the community. That’s what we should do, slam them on google. Imagine 25-30 google reviews on Wilson’s church and another 25-30 on SGM. Expose them in their own backyard, reduce their income stream. Money & power is what they are really after.

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  59. I can feel bad for Katie because I see her as being a pawn being used by masterful players. Even if she went into this marriage knowing everything about Steve, she clearly is not strong enough to protect her child from her child abusing husband. Why is child welfare not involved in this case? I would have no hesitation in removing any child from this house with a known child sex abuser with the probation terms set upon him and another parent who is not able to place the best interest of the child first.

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  60. I was disturbed that Wartburg Watch blamed the wife. You are absolutely right that she was forced into this horrible situation. And she’s been taught to obey her husband, so really, how was she supposed to chaperone him? I just hope she doesn’t have another baby!

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  61. Yep, I do and I think these types of parasite pastors need a few more thousand Julie Anne’s in their lives. The Christian community needs to remove the financial benefit of being a Bill Gothard or CJ Baloney . Back on topic, Mr. Wilson needs his very own Dennis the Menace.

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  62. Anne, I come from a unique place having been personally connected with Patriarchal teachings. I understand what it does to women and their psyche. I get the anger that they (TWW) or anyone has because as an adult, and certainly a mother, their primary job is to protect children, and she has failed.

    But she’s got much more than that going on. She may be thinking that she’s going to go to hell if she does not submit to her husband (if he told her to not discuss it with anyone).

    Pedophiles are not dumb. As Rose just mentioned, this guy is going for his PhD. He could very well be a narcissist and they are masterful con artists who would have no problem convincing her of whatever he wants because she’s already familiar with accepting a subservient position because she’s a female. This is crazy messed up stuff. She needs our support and compassion, too.

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  63. Kathi – with your social work background, doesn’t it seem that once this information got out publicly about him having sexual thoughts about the baby that child welfare could get involved and remove the baby? Or does there have to be physical contact? (ick, that was very hard to type)

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  64. I don’t know why the people who *assisted* Katie in finding a courtship partner/husband thought it was ok to *match* her, or anyone up, with a known pedophile!
    The news a few years ago had a story of unbelievers who did a better job of finding a suitable spouse for one of their friends (a man) who wanted to get married. The friends came up with survey questions and interviewed single women in a local mall. The friends liked one woman in particular and her answers, thinking she was a great match for their friend. They introduced the two, they hit it off, married, and have a happy life together.
    You’d think that if unbelievers can use this much discernment, that *Christians* in Moscow, Idaho, could do the same.
    I can see why Julie Anne woke up angry from her nap!


  65. This “pastor” is too busy fighting the good fight to give a rat’s behind about people.
    JA I remember you and the ladies at WW saying this was a distinct possibility for many years only to be ignored.


  66. JA, Dishes!!!!!
    There was a time when I kept a dish pan under the sink and put any dirty dishes in it until I was able to get to that task. That way the house looked as spotless as possible. Now I leave them in the sink for a day or two and could care less who sees them. Being brought before the elders for not complying with my so called responsibilities–work is work. If a man doesn’t like how it is getting done, do it yourself!!! Obviously, not from a book written by a patriarch.

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  67. Rose Huskey,
    From what you have said, it appears that this child should be removed from the care of his mother and grandparents for his own protection. Katie is now well into being an adult and no matter what her background somewhere inside of her she must know that as a mother it is her responsibility to protect her child. If she took training as to what to look for, it then became her duty to protect that child and disengage her thoughts of her pastor and/or husband. I can only feel so much empathy for a woman who would offer her son up as a sacrifice for her husband.

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  68. I can understand too. I believe she carries some responsibility for agreeing to this whole tragic mess (she *was* informed), but not remotely the same way Wilson, the pedo, etc are responsible.

    I know too well the quenching of the Spirit, of common sense, and of God instincts that occurs when you’ve given your life to an authority because you believe they see God’s men over you.

    Wilson & Co have been around way long enough to be informed – informed enough to not use their spiritual rank to put a young woman in harm’s way, with FULL knowledge, expectation, and blessing (good lord!!) of children for the couple. Under that “spiritual guidance”, she absolutely needs compassion and care.

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  69. Compassion, care and prayer. I fear that there is a very real risk that the mother will choose her husband, knowing full well that by doing so she will lose her child. I have seen it happen.


  70. Our View: Evidence shows Sitler is a clear danger to his own child
    Posted: Saturday, September 5, 2015 12:00 am
    Devin Rokyta, for the editorial board

    Disturbing isn’t nearly an adequate word to describe what unfolded Tuesday in Latah County 2nd District Court.

    Then again, there may not be any words that could appropriately paint that sickness.

    Despite information showing a convicted sex offender had “contact resulting in actual sexual stimulation” with the infant child he fathered, a judge is allowing the Moscow man, 30-year-old Steven Sitler, to continue to live with the boy — in the same house — provided there is a chaperone present.

    Trouble is, there was a chaperone present when that “actual sexual stimulation” occurred. That chaperone may very well have been his wife, who was disqualified during the past month as an approved chaperone for failure to report disclosures related directly to the infant, but she may be reinstated with more training.

    In 2006, Sitler was sentenced to life in prison under a Rule 11 plea agreement for lewd conduct with a child under 16. He served one year with the Idaho Department of Corrections’ retained jurisdiction treatment program and less than a year in the Latah County Jail before being released onto probation. Under the terms of his probation, Sitler is prohibited from associating with anyone under the age of 18 without supervision of an approved chaperone.

    None of us on the board is a lawyer, so maybe we are missing something, but we are having great difficulty understanding why Sitler was ever released from prison and is not still rotting behind bars. Keep in mind you don’t get a life sentence for statutory rape.

    We are sure that Judge John Stegner has his reasons for allowing Sitler to be anywhere near this child, because, again, we aren’t experts in law, and perhaps there is much more to the story — but, as Latah County Prosecuting Attorney Bill Thompson pointed out Tuesday, it is what we don’t know that is most troubling. Thompson said Sitler has yet to successfully compete a polygraph test and there may still be more he hasn’t disclosed.

    “The actions that he has engaged in and disclosed are a compelling basis that he cannot have anything close to a normal parental relationship at this time with his child,” Thompson said. “Everybody would love for Mr. Sitler to become a normal person, but the fact is he is not. He is a serial child sexual abuser.”

    We know that children fare better when they are brought up in a loving environment and with both parents involved. This is one case, however, that the farther away the child is from the father, the better.

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  71. “One of the difficulties, from my perspective, is that as much as I wish he could be proactive in this kind of case the law prevents it.”

    This is a HUGE problem all over the board. I think laws concerning pedophilia must be changed. There are still some lingering views that children (the most vulnerable of our society) are not as valuable as an adults “rights”.

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  72. From the link posted by Nicholas September 5, 2015 @ 7:16 AM:

    “The fact that someone was convicted of a sex offense does not mean that all sex offenses are in the same category of offense. We do need to have the category of statutory rape, and it needs to policed with tough sanctions, but we also need to remember that it is a different kind of offense from the rape of a three-year-old. The latter is the kind of offense that you execute people for, and the former usually is not. It is important to distinguish, in terms of legal consequences, the creep show from the fornicator.”

    …it is a different kind of offense from the rape of a three-year-old. The latter is the kind of offense that you execute people for,..,? yet Wilson asks the judge for limited civil consequences for Sitler. Isn’t Sitler a “creep show” to use Wilson’s own words?
    (Maybe executions are only for those creep shows that aren’t friends.)

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