Homeschool Movement, Marriages Damaged-Destroyed by Sp. Ab., Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Sovereign Grace Ministries, Sovereign Grace Ministries Lawsuit, The Gospel Coalition, Women and the Church

Discernment: You, Some Woman, or Phil Johnson?

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I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.

They have clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln

Today I read a comment on a blog that absolutely floored me. Early on in my lawsuit case, I contacted a couple of pastors from a well-known church. As I tried to share my story of spiritual abuse, I felt I was treated like a less-than. I knew that if I had male anatomy, I would not have been treated in such a fashion. I also saw this same treatment at my former church. I remember my pastor rebuking a husband to get his wife under control. I was still drinking the Kool-Aid then. I’m not anymore.

I recently read an article by Karen Campbell of blog. Over the last couple of years, I have read many of her articles on the different ideologies represented in the Homeschool Movement. She has a lot of information at her website and I highly recommend it.

In her current article, how’s that prophet, priest,and king thing workin’ out for ya?, Karen first discussed the support of C.J. Mahaney amidst the Sovereign Grace lawsuit. Towards the end article she mentioned the upcoming Discernment conference (something that I had planned on discussing, too), and because of linking to the Discernment website, the folks at the Discernment conference website also received a pingback. By the way, the Discernment site will most likely be getting a pingback from me, too, since I also linked to it above.

After receiving the pingback, someone connected with Grace Family Bible Church, which is hosting the Discernment conference, left a comment on Karen’s blog. And boy was it a comment. I’ve copied it all here, adding paragraphs for easier readability.

Be sure to check out Karen’s fantastic response. Actually, I encourage you to read the whole post and great comments.

I’ve spoken about patriarchy and the Homeschool Movement before. Mr. Miller’s comment was a “gift” of sorts. Because he has posted his comment publicly, he is showing us all how some women are treated in Christian Patriarchal homes. There are women who are treated like this on a daily basis. Some are treated far worse. One would assume that Mr. Miller showed common restraint because he used his full name and also included the link to his church. His words speak for themselves, don’t they?

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Dear “mom”,

Thank you so much for your pingback to our discernment conference on July 20th. While we are somewhat disturbed by your apparent contempt towards pastor Brown over an orthopraxic issue/question such as whether sunday school is Biblical; we do appreciate your letting people know that this conference is taking place.

The question of whether sunday school is Biblical or not, regardless of where a believer stands on the issue, is a secondary one (although it is important). Surely it is not an orthodox issue which should cause one to treat a brother with contempt. But regardless, with the flippany and lack of theological training which occurs in sunday school, and the lack of it being an historical institution in the church; should cause all believers to question how these training programs (that is what sunday school is after all) should be conducted or whether they should be done at all.

The question sister is this, who should be discipling children, and what means of grace has God given to train them. Clearly the Scriptures point towards parents, in particularly the father in this role. Not a youth pastor and not sunday school “teachers.” Sadly the teacher very rarely if ever meet the Biblical qualifications to teach or have that responsibility or authority in the church mandated by the Apostle Paul in 1 Tim and Titus. Usually they are simply the willing and nice, without any aptitude for teaching and with superficial theology at best, if not heresy.

Who should teach according to the Scriptures? Only a few, and only those who meet very strict moral and character qualifications. That’s not me saying that, that’s the Apostle Paul. And what of James “be not many masters for we will suffer greater condemnation” and yet what do we see in sunday school? Young couples, and the elderly and Biblically disqualified teaching children theology, supposedly. The result dear sister has been chaos. Now you say, rather strawman-dishly (there is a new word for you) that Mr. Brown teaches that sunday school is the end of western civilization. That is not what the brother says.

Western civilization has already fallen, it has already fell under the wrath of God. Do you not see the news dear lady? Do you not see God’s common grace pulling back from the world as it is given over to a reprobate mind and vile affections. No the issue is, how ought the church to teach children theology, in particular the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And this is, “fathers teach your children…” Again not Mr. Brown saying that, not me; but the Apostle Paul. That is the authority that is in question on this issue. And pragmatism like “youth group” or “sunday school” is not a Biblical argument, because only God can truly judge the eternal fruit of such ministries since our hearts can deceive us and spiritual fruit can easily be counterfeited with what appears to be religious and pious but which is, in reality, “wood hay and stubble”.

So the church must go back to what the Scriptures say about these ministries. That is all Mr. Brown is saying; sola scriptural is wisdom. The man was a youth pastor for decades before he was brought, by the scriptures, to his convictions on this issue. Not his opinion, but his conviction on what the Bible teaches about this issue.

Now in regards to the conference, Mr. Brown will be teaching on Biblical fatherhood. What does the Scriptures command of Christian fathers. Because, you can have all the ministerial bells and whistles in the world, but without true evangelism and the Gospel preached and lived within the home; children are in a seriously dangerous situation.

So sister, who has true discernment on this issue? You, a “mom” who teaches theology small_412235294supposedly, but where the Scriptures are clear that women are not to usurp authority over the man in the church. Or even further, where the Scriptures limit the role of the woman to teaching the younger women, or a pastor who, after years of struggling with the fruitless and carnal effort of modern youth groups went back the Scriptures and realized that it has much to say on this issue? Who should be [sic] listen to on discernment; you, some woman, or Phil Johnson, the executive director of Master’s Seminary who will be teaching alongside pastor Brown as a brother in Christ and co-laborer for the Gospel? Who has discernment ma’am? on this issue could it possibly be that, wise in your own conceits you are the one quite possibly who is standing against the clear teaching of Scripture? Should we listen to you, the non-descript “homeschool mom” or should we listen to the Apostle Paul.

Sister, let me say this clearly, we would be seriously in error to put your teachings above the word of God. I pray that the Lord would open your eyes to this truth; much of what pretends to be Biblical teaching in the modern American church is not spiritual at all and strongly stands in direct contrast to the Word of God. And how many youth are being raised in complete contrast to saving faith and have no concept of Biblical assurance? What some .5% can even affirm basic orthodoxy from college age; have we not reason to question these practices sister?

I would encourage you to come to the conference, listen to what is being said before you pass judgment. I would encourage you to study the scriptures on who should teach and who should teach children theology. Is it the unqualified Mrs. Bean the sunday school teacher, who knows nothing and is a pelagian? or the fathers of these children, supported by their Godly wives, and loving pastors and deacons who know the word of God and who meet the qualifications laid out by the Apostle Paul? Sola Scriptura sister, God is specific about His will on these things.

Read Numbers, have you not seen the detail of the tent, the tent?! How much more specific do you suppose the Lord is in regards to the next generation. I urge you to reconsider yourself ma’am. and may God help His church. Sincerely in Christ, Mike M.

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photo credit: Sagrado Corazón via photopin cc

102 thoughts on “Discernment: You, Some Woman, or Phil Johnson?”

  1. Ok, I see that it is. I know of a woman who must remain anonymous who has helped some young women trapped in that church. Both were in their 20’s, never had left home and “worked to serve their father until marriage”. Neither one had been to a gyn. One was found to have a large tumor that had to be removed. Neither one had any basic social skills for living in the real world. There was not even a thought of college for either one of them after being homeschooled but mainly living as “mothers” to their younger siblings all their lives.

    It is hell on earth to be a female in that cult. It is one step away from Warren Jeff Mormon cult. It does not surprise me that Phil Johnson and Frank Turk are on board with Scott Brown. The man is sick.


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