Doug Phillips & Vision Forum, Homeschool Movement, Patriarchal-Complementarian Movement, Sexual Abuse/Assault and Churches, Vision Forum

Lourdes Torres, Alleged Victim in the Doug Phillips (Vision Forum) Sex Abuse Scandals Files Lawsuit



Lourdes Torres, alleged victim in sex abuse scandal with Douglas Phillips of Vision Forum, has filed a lawsuit against Douglas Phillips


The victim in the Doug Phillips sex abuse case has filed a lawsuit and in doing so, has chosen to publicly reveal her identity:  Lourdes Torres. She is one brave woman.  Go, Lourdes!


Vision Forum Lawsuit, Doug Phillips, Lourdes Torres, Sex Abuse Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 8.19.29 AM

 UPDATE April 16, 2014. At the end of this post, we’ve added key facts and links to select news reports and blog articles. We plan to continue to grow these lists as opportunity allows.

World Net Daily has the full story and it is a long one with photos and lots of details.  In the first link below is the legal complaint:

In the complaint filed in Kendall County District Court in Texas Tuesday morning, Phillips is accused of using a woman named Lourdes Torres, now 29, as “a personal sex object” over a period of five years.

I was alerted on Sunday of another development – that Lourdes Torres (aka Victim) was married Friday evening to a former Boerne Christian Assembly member, Nolan Manteufel.

We first got a glimpse that something was up with this Facebook profile picture which was updated over the weekend:


vision forum, Doug Phillips, Lourdes Torres, Lourdes Manteufel, Sex scandal



The lawsuit gets into graphic detail.

***********Trigger alert – Sexual Content************


Here are graphic details in the complaint. Phillips claimed he didn’t know her Biblically.  The following paragraph shows that he knew her pretty darn well.  Scroll down to the line of asterisks to get beyond the graphic part.





Doug Phillips Sex Abuse Lawsuit, Lourdes Torres Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 8.14.49 AM







My thoughts and prayers go to the Manteufels as they start their new life together and also as their private life will become very public. This is a very sad situation for all.


UPDATE:   I had someone ask where they can send support or gift cards. I would be happy to try to organize this. Nolan or Lourdes or David Gibbs, if you are reading this and can contact me, I think there may be a lot of people who would like to offer support in a more tangible way.  ~Julie Anne (spiritualsb@gmail dot com)

 *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Links on the Lourdes Torres-Manteufel Lawsuit

Against Doug Phillips, Vision Forum, Inc., & Vision Forum Ministries

NOTE: This section has been moved to its own post.

NOTE: The extensive information that was on this page has been transferred to it’s own post. You will find it at Lourdes Torres-Manteufel vs. Doug Phillips Lawsuit Informational Resource Page. That post already expands what was previously here by at least a third, and will be updated daily for at least the next 7 to 10 days. It includes the following sections:

  • Preface
  • Key Facts
  • Official Court Documents and Other Statements
  • Plaintiff, Defendants, and Their Legal Counsels
  • Key Individuals in the Unfolding Story
  • Relevant Background Issues
  • Select Links to News Reports and Blog Posts
  • Historical Overview Posts
  • Potentially Relevant Legal Information
  • Other Research and Resource Pieces

 *     *     *     *     *     *     *

422 thoughts on “Lourdes Torres, Alleged Victim in the Doug Phillips (Vision Forum) Sex Abuse Scandals Files Lawsuit”

  1. May Nolan and his lovely bride have many happy years together. Ms. L, there are many of us on the outside who are here to welcome and support you. I’ve been a survivor since 1993, it gets easier as time passes and good memories supplant the bad. The best revenge is doing well and it looks like you and your handsome groom are well on your way. Blessings to the both of you…
    P.S. You were most brave in facing down Doug Phillips and his cronies.


  2. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Manteufel on their new life together! Go, Lourdes!

    As for Phillips, I want the whole world to read this and be disgusted.


  3. Lourdes – Thank you for your willingness and bravery in standing up to Phillips and his supporters. I know that this will be a hard road ahead of you, but please know that you have a cheering section behind you!

    Congratulations to you and Nolan! May the years moving forward provide you with peace and joy.


  4. Lourdes, I believe you and I am just so moved by your courage! I hope for justice, I pray for peace for you and all happiness to you and your new husband as you begin your life together. Thank you for your bravery. I hope for so many happy days ahead for you & Nolan.


  5. All I can say is this – since he wanted to get scr * *ed so badly, I hope she’s saying, “Here it comes, pervert, hope you like it!”

    GO LOURDES!!! (and congratulations!)


  6. So “Ofdoug the Handmaid” has gone public.

    I hope she’s “cleared for action” for the Godly(TM) backlash. And has a LOT of support, both legal and emotional; she’s going to need it.


  7. “To date, a media campaign has been architected to destroy and demoralize Doug Phillips, his family and his message, without justification and instead with conjecture and disinformation.”

    Actually, Doug Phillips has done a pretty good job of destroying himself, his family and his message without any help from the media.


  8. Here are graphic details in the complaint. Phillips claimed he didn’t know her Biblically. The following paragraph shows that he knew her pretty darn well.

    Pretty much what I figured from when I first heard Douggie ESQUIRE’s statement. No Tab A was ever inserted into Slot B, so Douggie ESQUIRE can wipe his mouth and say “There was no sex; I have not sinned.”

    “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”
    — William J Clinton (another stickler for precise legal definition of “sex”)

    P.S. According to an online dictionary of slang, “Christian Side Hug” means non-genital sex (including the acts detailed in Article 15 ot the lawsuit) done to achieve orgasm while preserving technical virginity (unpopped hymen). Wonder how it got that name & association…

    P.P.S. Her married name is “Manteufel”? “Teufel” is German for “Devil”, and I’m sure some of Douggie’s MenaGAWD are going to get some mileage out of that.


  9. Lourdes- My prayer is for you to grow strong,help others and destroy those who use their position to hurt women. God bless you for stepping into the eye of the storm and not letting those who sinned against you hide.


  10. David Gibbs gets around…is this the same guy who is doing the “independant” review of Bill Gothard?

    That is my understanding, David. He is certainly well known in homeschool circles.


  11. I was also told this morning that the Texas clergy abuse law that I’ve referred to before is a civil statute, criminal. That may be why this was filed as a civil lawsuit.

    I also suspect that the Gibbs contacted WND in advance of filing the lawsuit and so the article and lawsuit was released at the same time. I’ve seen this happen before in another church sex abuse lawsuit case. (Note: the first we publicly hear of the lawsuit is in WND’s article.)


  12. From WND: “In telling her story, Torres hopes to inspire any girl, wife or family in similar situations to find the courage to escape and discover freedom, rather than continuing to suffer at the hands of an abuser.

    “Lourdes had the choice to either retreat quietly and kind of disappear and recover, or she could make the decision to go public and try to help others,” Gibbs said of Torres’ decision to tell her story.

    “I really admire her decision to step forward – not trying to hide her identity – but to step forward and tell her story and let people know there is hope, and they don’t have to live under that oppressive type of abuse.”

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Lourdes, you are my hero! The more victims of sex abuse or spiritual abuse stand up to their abusers in the church organization, the better it will be for generations to come. Thank you for being willing to lay down your life for others, by going public .I am so glad that you have not lost your faith after being abused by a supposed minister of God. And I am so glad that you are getting therapy!


  13. Unusual that David Gibbs is counsel for the plaintiff. He’s usually found as counsel for the defense, or whoever might happen to be clergy in a case. (The younger Gibbs was Chuck Phelps’s attorney during Tina Anderson’s case and Gibbs’s firm was brought in by First Baptist Hammond to represent the church’s interests during Jack Schaap’s trial.


  14. This gives me hope. Hope that eventually God brings about justice and freedom for the oppressed.

    Man, she has guts.


  15. Lourdes, Congratulations on your marriage. Nolan seems like an amazing man. You have a tough battle ahead, but know there are many of us who support this move. I grieve for the trust and innocence you lost at the hands of this predator. By filing this lawsuit you have gone from “victim” to “survivor”. It is not an easy road, but the worst is behind you. I hope you continue to find your voice during this stage of your life. You will be speaking also for those whose abuse and shame were kept hidden. I pray they find healing by your example. Much Love, Ann


  16. I hope someone contacts you, Julie Anne, so support can be sent.

    These girls are intentionally placed in a no win situation, allegedly for the protection. But in reality, they are disempowered and made defenseless and vulnerable. They are ripe for the picking of any smooth operator who knows how to work the patriarchy system to his advantage and selfish end.

    Those who escape need our support to fight the wicked men (and women… Beall anyone?) and wicked system they held them captive.


  17. “Moving on with her life” while holding him accountable and thereby protecting others. She might as well, we have enough data to now know that “forgiving the way you were forgiven” just doesn’t work in God’s world. God forgives when we repent.


  18. I just read the lawsuit. Needless to say, there is only one universe that Lourdes would not be considered a victim and that would be pornography. I would say having a man masturbate and the ejaculate on you is not a pleasurable activity for a woman. Only in porno do women “act” like this activity is arousing. I suspect Phillips learned this activity on some porno sight. This does not sound like any type of mutual physical pleasure. According to this account, this poor woman was totally being used solely as an object for his arousal. That makes her a victim. Period! JA, I hope anyone reading this case sees this as further proof of Phillips narcissism.


  19. How devastating and maddening to read that the amazingly brave and strong Lourdes was treated this way by creepy Doug. 😦


  20. Julie Anne,
    The law you are referencing is in the TX penal code which defines criminal activity:

    Title 5. Offenses against the person.
    Chapter 22. Assaultive Offenses.
    Sec. 22.011. Sexual assault.
    (b) A sexual assault […] is without the consent of the other person if: […] 10) the actor is a clergyman who causes the other person to submit or participate by exploiting the other person’s emotional dependency on the clergyman in the clergyman’s professional character as spiritual adviser …
    Texas Penal Code 22.011(b)(9): “by exploiting [the patient or former patient’s] . . . emotional dependency”; and (b)(10) “by exploiting the other person’s emotional dependency on the clergyman in the clergyman’s professional character as spiritual advisor”


  21. @Ann:

    I just read the lawsuit. Needless to say, there is only one universe that Lourdes would not be considered a victim and that would be pornography.

    Three, actually.
    Pornography, Talibani Islam, and Christianese Quiverfull Patriarchy.

    And I’d like to know where Douggie ESQUIRE learned that brand of sexual behavior. (Besides the obvious “No Tab A Into Slot B, So It Wasn’t REALLY Sex; I Have Not Sinned.”) Did he do the same to Beale? Or was she too Respectable(TM) for that?

    I mean, when it’s a flat-out porn “money shot” shtick…


  22. My admiration for this young lady knows no bounds. What courage. She is taking on one of the biggest deceptive charlatans in the patriarchy business. And he will pull out any trick in the deceptive book on this one. He is already playing the “God” card and “reconciliation” which makes me shudder in its deception because it is old news with Phillips. We are on to him now.

    Whatever the outcome she is setting a new standard for young women who were raised in that movement and objectified.

    Too bad his pockets are no longer deep! I would love to see her walk away with a fortune. But there is not a big enough amount of money to make up for the years he stole from her.


  23. @Tiquatue (rhymes with Pikachu?):

    Unusual that David Gibbs is counsel for the plaintiff. He’s usually found as counsel for the defense, or whoever might happen to be clergy in a case.

    Given that, could this be a setup?
    Take the case and deliberately lose it to protect Gawd’s Anointed Douggie?


  24. HUG, that also concerned me. At this point, what does Doug have? Can he pay lawyers?

    Something that jumped out at me reading the WND article is that the Board was looking for a way for Phillips to make a comeback?

    Another thing that jumped out at me was Torres saying that Beall told her to keep her mouth shut.


  25. I just got wind of this on FB from VF posting about it and to pray for the phillips and Lourdes?????? They seemed to dumb it down by saying, “Less than seventy-two hours after her marriage to Nolan Manteufel last Friday night, Lourdes-Torres Manteufel approached the national media with numerous false and salacious claims against Doug and Beall Phillips.” WOW! sounds like VF still stand behin DP… I also noticed they have deleted deragatory comments about DP. Sounds like its still the same old song and dance from VF or is this still the part of the company that DP kept . Ironically I just got done pitching a bunch of DP cd’s from our homeschool today.

    What a brave woman! I pray justice is served to DP once and for all! #teamlourdes


  26. Ironically our familly just burned a bunch of VF cd’s from DP today. I had some fun writing in a sharpie marker on them myself, “How to be a godly man – and take full advantage of your children’s babysitter”…. JUSTICE FOR LOURDES!!! we need to rally behind her! this will not be easy. She is BRAVE XO GO LOURDES!!!


  27. ps. I no longer feel real sorry for Beall Phillips after reading her threats to Lourdes. Beall was “ok” with Lourdes being abused and more worried about her well-being than the truth and justice for Lourdes. sad situation in more ways than 1


  28. Ok, thank you #TeamLourdes for that information. Here is a tweet I just sent out.
    I could not read the document put out by Phillips’ attorneys, so I just called the attorney’s office to see if they would forward a copy to me. I spoke with Joaquin (who said he knows who I am – ha!) and he said he would speak to the attorney to ask if this would be okay. I also asked if he could identify who published the Facebook note. He replied he did not know. I asked if he could provide that information to me, too.

    Anyway, I hope to get a copy that I can read and if they give permission, I will post it.



  29. Hey, anyone else who has VF materials to burn, I will happily recycle them for you and use as blogging fodder 🙂 No need to create toxic fumes in the ozone layer from burning plastic. (That’s the PNW environmentalist person speaking – I’m not really, but whatever . .)


  30. “I could not read the document put out by Phillips’ attorneys, so I just called the attorney’s office to see if they would forward a copy to me. I spoke with Joaquin (who said he knows who I am – ha!) and he said he would speak to the attorney to ask if this would be okay”

    you go, girl.


  31. April 14 is the anniversary date of the sinking of the Titanic – Phillips’ favorite story about manhood – -you know, men protect women and children first and all of that.

    The timing of the lawsuit is interesting. The beginning of the sinking was late on April 14. My understand was the Titanic sunk April 15. Nice job, Lourdes, on the timing. (h/t FJ for this great tidbit!)

    Here’s a little Titanic reminder:


  32. Ok, Joaquin from Diaz Jakob law firm (DP’s attorney) responded with the attachments, so I will post them on my blog and include links soon. He also told me that they are currently meeting with “client” for a follow-up statement.

    This makes me wonder since both statements are occurring within such a short period of time, why didn’t the original statement cover it? So, we wait with baited breath for a follow-up statement to the statement, because surely this must be very important for us to read.


  33. “April 14 is the anniversary date of the sinking of the Titanic – Phillips’ favorite story about manhood – -you know, men protect women and children first and all of that.”

    Except for those in steerage……


  34. Go Lourdes. You are showing the courage and righteousness of Jael. And I really like your timing! You drove the tent peg into the temple at the perfect time. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and congratulations on your marriage. 🙂

    Only when we get to heaven will we know how many other victims became empowered, by your example, to report the crimes they have suffered to the secular authorities, those who — by God’s ordaining, Romans 13 — bear the sword of justice in the Church age.

    Blessings and hugs to you, from one fellow survivor to another. 🙂


  35. From the Final Complaint PDF

    Click to access TorresComplaintFinalwithCoverSheet.pdf

    “Phillips espoused avoiding interaction with authorities at all costs. There is a pervasive sense within Phillips’s tight circle of people that they are engaged in a cosmic war, and that they avoid contact with the government and other outside groups that might hold them accountable or ask questions. Phillips used his training as a lawyer to help foster an unregulated community that operated as a “total institution” where Ms. Torres would have limited access to outside support as she came to see her situation as abusive.”



  36. First-time poster, long-time reader.
    Lourdes and Nolan, heartiest congratulations, and all best wishes for long and happy lives together. You have many, many supporters! Lourdes, you are doing the right thing, and I so admire your courage and strength. And Julie Anne, thank you for the work you’ve done here to set the record straight. The truth, and justice, will out.


  37. The Final Complaint also names Voddie Baucham as someone who implicitly endorses of the idea that it’s okay for fathers to have emotionally incestuous relationships with their daughters:

    Paragraph 30 of the PDF:
    ‘Voddie Baucham, a leader in the patriarchal and quiverful movement, explains the patriarchal men’s desire to be revered by younger women: “A lot of men are leaving their wives for younger women because they yearn for attention from younger women. And God gave them a daughter who can give them that.” The attitudes that produce these ideas are what leads to physical, mental, verbal, spiritual, and sexual abuse of both women and daughters within the patriarchal movement.’

    I’m very pleased to see that the Complaint names Baucham in this way.


  38. #teamlourdes:

    ps. I no longer feel real sorry for Beall Phillips after reading her threats to Lourdes. Beall was “ok” with Lourdes being abused and more worried about her well-being than the truth and justice for Lourdes.

    Beall is the WIFE of Commander-of-Gilead Douggie, Highborn, with all the Privileges of her husband’s Rank by Divine Right.
    Lourdes/Ofdoug is only the Commander’s HANDMAID, Lowborn.


  39. @BarbaraRoberts:

    The Final Complaint also names Voddie Baucham as someone who implicitly endorses of the idea that it’s okay for fathers to have emotionally incestuous relationships with their daughters:

    I’m very pleased to see that the Complaint names Baucham in this way.

    EVERYBODY except Baucham’s yes-men and fellow MenaGAWD and their yes-men read his infamous statement that way. EVERYBODY.


  40. The Final Complaint PDF is a treasure trove of good stuff:
    In Paragraph 31 it also names these people as promoters of HyperPatriarchy and its attendant consequences of almost certain injustice towards women and children:

    “Teach Them Diligently (operated by David Nunnery),
    Family Covenant Ministries (operated by Jon Summers),
    National Center for Family Integrated Churches (operated by Scott Brown),
    Voddie Baucham Ministries (operated by Voddie Bauchum),
    Advanced Training Institute Conferences (operated by Tim Levendusky), Generations with Vision (operated by Kevin Swanson), to name a few, continue to promote and encourage the philosophy of patriarchy while others who espoused this teaching, such as Bill Gothard or Jack Schaap, have stepped down or are incarcerated for crimes against children.”

    The wording of this Final Complaint is EXCELLENT, in my opinion. Well done to the people who had a part in drawing it up.


  41. Barbara – You are hitting on the points that I haven’t had time to post, so thanks for that! Yes, let’s expose these Patriarchal groups right now!

    I agree with you that the complaint is well written.


  42. Beall is the WIFE of Commander-of-Gilead Douggie, Highborn, with all the Privileges of her husband’s Rank by Divine Right.
    Lourdes/Ofdoug is only the Commander’s HANDMAID, Lowborn.

    Lourdes, Everybody — that was meant as sarcasm. Though it would not surprise me if that was Beall’s rationale. Another word for it is “Queen Bee”, and you find it a lot in Christianese Celebrity wives. (After all, they have Rank and Privilege as Wife of God’s Anointed.)

    Makes me wonder how many of these Christian Patriarch Uber Alles types in public go home to a She Who Must Be Obeyed in Private. And they’re compensating for it by kicking the dog.


  43. @Emmaline:

    Interesting article by Libby Ann about Mike Farris’ comments distancing himself and HSLDA from biblical patriarchy. He’s never seemed very distant to me.

    The rats are starting to leave the ship?


  44. Lourdes repeatedly told Phillips to stop molesting her sexually. He repeatedly ignored her wishes:


    Final Complaint Paragraph 43

    “While Ms. Torres was living with Douglas Phillips and his family in October of 2007,
    Douglas Phillips entered Ms. Torres’s bedroom and without her consent began touching her breasts, stomach, back, neck, and waist. Phillips then began to masturbate and ejaculated on her. Ms. Torres asked Phillips to stop and broke down crying. Despite Ms. Torres’s repeated requests for Phillips to stop masturbating and ejaculating on her, Phillips proceeded to return and repeat this perverse and offensive conduct. Each night that Phillips returned, Ms. Torres requested that he stop. Defendant blatantly disregarded her requests but continued to masturbate and ejaculate on her each night.”

    My personal opinion:
    Doug Phillips is a sociopath with no conscience. If he had a conscience he would immediately be pleading guilty to this indictment, and he would be telling Vision Forum to stop putting victim-blaming statements on their Facebook Page.
    Lourdes is a very very brave woman and I honour how she resisted the abuse.


  45. @Lydia:

    HUG, that also concerned me. At this point, what does Doug have? Can he pay lawyers?

    I would assume so. You don’t get to where he was without a hand in the Tithing till up to the armpit.

    What I really want to see is for him to try cosplay in court. In either of his two favorite personas: an 18th Century Nobleman and/or General Patton.


  46. @BarbaraRoberts:

    Final Complaint Paragraph 43

    “While Ms. Torres was living with Douglas Phillips and his family in October of 2007,
    Douglas Phillips entered Ms. Torres’s bedroom and without her consent began touching her breasts, stomach, back, neck, and waist. Phillips then began to masturbate and ejaculated on her.”

    As has been pointed out, that is a shtick straight out of Hard Core PORN.

    (Only time I heard of that shtick before this, it was from a guy I used to know who packed his brains below his belt.)


  47. It sounds like the Vision Forum Board used Beall — and Beall was actively complicit with the Board in this — to pressure Lourdes to be silent:

    Final Complaint Paragraph 54:
    “On October 3, 2013, Ms. Torres received an e-mail from Beall Phillips threatening her if she did not keep silent about what happened to her, i.e., her abuse
    [the Complaint quotes from Beall’s email to Lourdes]:
    ‘During the last ten weeks, and ultimately for the last nine months, you have been lighting bombs all across the country. Right now, you may have a perception of peace, but what you don’t know is that these bombs are about to explode in a manner that will change all of our lives forever. It will affect your life, your marriage prospects . . . your parents . . . and thousands of other people. It is far worse than you imagine. The VFM board has encouraged me to let you know about these and to work with you to give you an opportunity to stop impending destruction.’ ”

    My opinion: The Vision Forum Board is corrupt. And that’s an understatement.


  48. IANAL but I worry that the case is asking the judge and jury to rule on the religious beliefs of those that practice patriarchy. Lourdes and her lawyers have to walk a verrrrry thin line on this.


  49. As a sociologist, I am pleased that they used Erving Goffman’s concept of total institutions.


  50. Nmgirl, that’s why using the concept of total institutions rather than cult is a brilliant idea because it gets away from religion exclusively and encompasses a variety of social organizations including basic training in the armed services, prisons, mental hospitals, as well as convents and monasteries. They are any organization where people are isolated, supports for their sense of self are removed, and a new identity is created.


  51. I had the opportunity to meet and hear Attorney David Gibb speak recently and was extremely impressed with him and his team. To call out leaders of the patriarchy movement in this complaint is a tremendous service to the Christian homeschool community.


  52. I agree, Marsha. The courts don’t want to discuss religion. They just won’t do it. For example, I used the word “wolf” to describe my pastor which was one of the alleged defamatory words in my lawsuit. No court wants to discuss the spiritual definition of “wolf.” It was dismissed.


  53. “April 14 is the anniversary date of the sinking of the Titanic – Phillips’ favorite story about manhood – -you know, men protect women and children first and all of that.”

    Just an fyi………DP’s story concerning the Titanic has more holes than swiss cheese….that are fabricated, embellished, exaggerated and out right lied. BUT almost all of anything he touched, said or did was like that……..he’s always been like that and unless you worship him, you were targeted.


  54. Lourdes,

    I ache for you that you had to endure sexual abuse at the hands/body of DP. I am so blown away at your courage to name his abuse of you. YOU GO GIRL!
    Congratulations on your marriage. There is a lot of love for the abused here at SSB. Methinks you might need this safe place when the high & mighty start bitchin & moaning, lying & denying. I believe you! As many others here have already said. Praying.


  55. These two passages of Scripture come to mind about things done in secret being shouted from the rooftops:

    “Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” ~ Luke 12:1b-3

    “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:
    Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.
    For God will bring every deed into judgment,
    including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
    ~ Eccl. 12:13, 14


  56. Lourdes is an extremely brave woman. She deserves our support, love, grace, and community. Whatever she needs the church should rally to their side and support her and her husband. We need to remove the wolves so that no other people get hurt That’s why Doug Philips, Mark Driscoll, CJ Mahaney, etc.. all need to dismantled and removed from teaching.

    You know what would be awesome JAS…is if the blog an community rallied around her and came to her aid. One of the things that was so neat about SGM Refuge was when Jim and the blog rallied around Esther at Sovereign Grace Chesapeake; and helped a battered woman get on her feet. It would be great if we could support Lourdes and her husband by donations to help offset any cost. Not only that but Biblically that would show the church being Bereans. 🙂


  57. Very cool passages of scripture that you shared Barb. If not here, then one day. Patience, patience, no one, including me, is getting away with anything. It will be revealed. Yikes & yippee.


  58. One more thing and I’ll be quiet. But when I read the graphic nature of what Philips did I felt sick. How is it? That churches and organizations rail against gays, porn, sex outside of marriage, etc… and then have some of these same leaders who go on and engage in that kind of lewd conduct. That was outright sick and disgusting.


  59. One last thing…sorry…..but as a guy with a graduate degree in American History I am amazed as to how much Philips, Barton, etc… twist and distort history. They aren’t writing history they are writing propaganda.


  60. Eagle said: That churches and organizations rail against gays, porn, sex outside of marriage, etc… and then have some of these same leaders who go on and engage in that kind of lewd conduct. That was outright sick and disgusting.

    What makes it worse for me personally, is that in these circles, girls are basically forbidden from even *flirting* with boys, because that’s “emotional adultery” against their future husbands. She likely never even flirted with a boy before Doug (is a tool) Phillips began using her like she was a gym sock. He stole her innocence, and then used her loss of innocence against her as a weapon to control her! The arrogance! Evil, evil man.


  61. I like the Titanic edge here. In this case, the Captain will go down with the ship, into the abyss.

    Reading the lawsuit about the religious core beliefs in this satanic cult should send shock waves in all of Christendom. These abuses come from a core religious belief system that is defended by many, if not all Calvinists. This lawsuit will not change the hearts or minds of any of the men in these patriarch cults, since they hate the civil authorities intruding on their freedom of religious beliefs. To them, the only authority that they recognize is their religious leader, and a church court system.

    That belief system is barbaric, and inhumane.

    Hey Julie Anne,
    DP’s public statement almost sounds like Chuck’s “press release”, and Chuck’s weird blog site.



  62. Eagle- no need ever to be sorry, You are a truth teller, and I love your voice! Give em hell, because you make sense. “PROPAGANDA, twist & distort.” yup.


  63. I am very concerned though that DP might just get away with this. If he did not take advantage of her until she was over the age, will he just walk away with only a tinge of his pride stepped on? (If this is even possible)


  64. @Barbara Roberts on April 15, 2014 at 4:31pm

    You think Beall and the board were projecting much? Everything she claims will befall Lourdes is what will actually befall the Phillips family and VF. Lourdes is already married — so much for that threat.

    The nerve and outright evil in writing and sending that email to a young woman who was abused by Beall’s own husband is beyond belief.


  65. Ed, You and I were tracking on DP and CON on their public statements-especially when I heard that there was to be another statement.

    What more is there to say, Doug? Just save it for court and spare us all the drama.

    Btw, I was serious when I said I was working on finding out about donations for Lourdes. I’ve taken preliminary steps and will keep you all posted. I loved your comment, Eagle, about being the true church and surrounding her with spiritual, emotional, and financial support.


  66. a couple of things:

    #1. Michael Farris has made a public statement on facebook

    #2. Maybe DP sent the email from Beall or her email address?


  67. I would be happy to support in any way necessary. Financial, emotional support. Prayer is a given.


  68. Dear Lourdes, your bravery in telling your story has no bounds. There are so many people here who are going to be your personal cheerleaders in the coming days and months, in the times when it seems there is no hope and in the moments when you are shouting victory. Please do not hesitate to reach out in any of those moments. I am in awe of your strength and your ability to love even in the face of evil. May your marriage be blessed beyond measure. To your new husband, thank you for loving Lourdes and supporting her as she shares her story with the world. In many ways your job is just as hard as hers for you will be the unspoken and unseen hero. We will be here for you as well whenever you need extra encouragement and love. Neither of you is alone in the battle against Doug Phillips, you never have been and you will never be without a community of friendship. You are always in my prayers and even more so in the coming days.


  69. I love all of your words of support to Lourdes and Nolan. I will do my best to make sure they know about these comments. Thank you and keep them coming.

    I only had a defamation lawsuit and remember how encouraging it was to see the support coming in from strangers. It was tremendous. This is love in action.


  70. @JulieAnne:

    What more is there to say, Doug? Just save it for court and spare us all the drama.

    And not be THE Center of Attention?


  71. @Sarah:

    What makes it worse for me personally, is that in these circles, girls are basically forbidden from even *flirting* with boys, because that’s “emotional adultery” against their future husbands. She likely never even flirted with a boy before Doug (is a tool) Phillips began using her like she was a gym sock.

    In herd-harem animals, the Alpha Male/Herd Boss claims ALL the females for himself, and either drives off or scares off the other younger males so HE can have unlimited access to his harem. “Girls are forbidden from even flirting with boys because that’s emotional adultery” is just another weapon of the Herd Boss to make sure NO other males can have access to HIS females. (And if it’s female, it’s HIS.)

    ANIMAL behavior.


  72. “Lourdes is already married — so much for that threat.”

    Yes, so much for that. Marriage prospects? This sounds too much like, “No one will ever love you.” How incredibly low of Beall.


  73. Wow, late to the party here.

    “What I really want to see is for him to try cosplay in court. In either of his two favorite personas: an 18th Century Nobleman and/or General Patton.”

    HUG, thanks for the laugh. That gave me all sorts of hilarious mental images.

    I mean, has Mr. Esquire ever actually served in any branch of the military?


  74. So far, no one from the “blame-the-victim” crowd has commented here. But just in case– let me head them off at the pass with their 2 favorite scripture passages about lawsuits. First, there’s Proverbs 18:
    “The lot puts an end to quarrels
    and decides between powerful contenders.”
    Then, there’s I Corinthians 6: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral…”
    (Or, just maybe, they’ll quote only the verses immediately prior to these!)


  75. Mike Farris has posted a link to the article on his Facebook page and there are quite a few comments. There are some that make my head spin, but some really good ones, too, like this one:

    From JM:

    As I’ve learned a little more about patriarchy, one of the teachings that has disturbed me the most is this notion of the family patriarch as prophet/priest/king of the home. I absolutely believe in a husband’s headship as the Bible teaches (right alongside the responsibility to sacrificially love his wife as Christ loved the church). But the Bible also teaches the priesthood of every believer and the fact that there is only one mediator between God and man — the man Christ Jesus.

    As for daughters, this practice of finding prescriptive commands in the stories of the Old Testament, where the Bible only reports the facts whether good, evil, or indifferent, is a terrible way to exegete Scripture.

    Freedom in Christ is key here. Neither going to college nor choosing to stay home is sinful in and of itself, and neither is righteous in and of itself. Like many other Biblically neutral life decisions, either can be done for God’s glory and either can be done with sinful motives. As in many things, it’s about the heart.


  76. @NJ:

    I mean, has Mr. Esquire ever actually served in any branch of the military?

    Probably not. Once you actually see the elephant, you usually don’t want to cosplay about it.


  77. @Oasis:

    Yes, so much for that. Marriage prospects? This sounds too much like, “No one will ever love you.” How incredibly low of Beall.


  78. Go, Lourdes!! Bless you for having the courage to stand up & let this creep be seen for the lowlife that he truly is!!!


  79. Congratulations Lourdes on your marriage and blessings to you as start a new chapter of freedom! We are all with you and pray for you that this will be a time of healing and rest. You are a brave woman! 🙂


  80. NJ said:” I mean, has Mr. Esquire ever actually served in any branch of the military?”

    Served? Served??? Who, Doug???
    Doug would never serve anyone anywhere. He’s above all that, dontcha know. He exists only to be served by lesser mortals, which is to say: everybody everywhere.
    Doug Phillips is a legend in his own mind.


  81. “Nmgirl, that’s why using the concept of total institutions rather than cult is a brilliant idea because it gets away from religion exclusively and encompasses a variety of social organizations including basic training in the armed services, prisons, mental hospitals, as well as convents and monasteries. They are any organization where people are isolated, supports for their sense of self are removed, and a new identity is created.”\

    Marsha, I have never heard of this concept before and am very interested in it. What resources can you recommend to learn more.


  82. One question I have about Vision Forum’s Facebook post is how do they know these are “numerous false and salacious claims against Doug and Beall Phillips?” Was the person who posted this around and sure that none or most of what is alleged didn’t happen? If they are taking Doug Phillips and his wife’s claim we know especially that DP is a deceiver so what makes those in Vision Forum think he isn’t lying again?

    When someone has been so deceitful for so long it is hard to believe anything he says. To put it another way, you can tell when DP is lying; his lips are moving.


  83. The concept of the total institution is explained in Erving Goffman’s book Asylums. It is one of the classics in sociology.


  84. Horribly crushing to ones spirit to read of the filthy details of this case and have much of what I thought about Doug Phillips confirmed. He isn’t just the average evil, little midget. He is a pathological lier, vile beyond belief, a complete phony, an adulator, hypocritical fool, complete pervert with abnormal sexual desires. In my opinion he is a dangerous PREDATOR that should be monitored closely when around women and children, if not incarcerated for the protection of the community. A man that will do such things, that has the desires to do such things is obviously sexually disturbed and dangerous. This type of perversion is always accompanied by addiction to the worst that the porn industry has to offer sick perverts like Phillips. There is no limit to what these types will do and often they end up preying on the weakest among us, the children of the community that are not exactly watched over by their parents.

    I’m very angry to learn that the Vision Forum board of directors attempted to cover up all this and I believe there is a crime there, OBSTRUCTION OF justice and WITNESS / Victim intimidation . That’s a federal crime under 18 US code 1512 and the board could very well be indicted individually if Phillips is criminally charged. If what Mrs. Phillips claimed in he letter to the victim is true and she was encouraged to contact the victim with that note, she is also very guilty and could be indicted herself. Assuming Phillips is charged criminally and I believe he could be under certain circumstances. At a minimum the individual members of the board and Mrs. Phillips should be named in the litigation.

    It’s good to see ole Doug, the bully always threatening to sue getting a taste of his own medicine. His attorney’s statement about “baring christian reconciliation” , turns my stomach. Doug’s same old tactics. This time that will NOT work, he is stuck between a Rock and a hard place and at this point ANYONE that defends him is just as VILE & Disgusting as he is. There is no defense or excuse for this conduct or defending someone involved in it OR willing to cover it up. Anyone throttling off with their family to sit under Snotty Scotty and listen to him pontificate about church organization, family integration, family values, sexual purity etc after he attempted to cover this up from FEB 2013 until the news broke last fall IS fool and a lousy father/leader.


  85. @NJ:

    I mean, has Mr. Esquire ever actually served in any branch of the military?

    Why, the army of the Lord, of course! 😉

    Oh man, now I’ve got an old Sunday school song going through my head…
    I may never
    march in the infantry
    ride in the cavalry
    shoot the artillery
    I may never fly over the enemy
    but I’m in the Lord’s army, yes sir!
    (complete with a variety of hand/arm motions)

    DP was so fond of military stuff, I wonder if the kids at BCA were ever taught this one.


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