Julie Anne's Personal Stories

Live Interview on Drew Marshall Show This Saturday and Update

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I am a little bit excited about an upcoming interview on the Drew Marshall Show tomorrow, Saturday, April 20, 2013, at 2PM ET.   Evidently, the Drew Marshall Show is the most listened to Christian talk show in Canada.  Is that right, eh?

Feel free to tune in.  It sounds like we’ll be talking about the lawsuit and other blog topics.  Evidently one of YOU shared my blog information.  I’m honored – thank you!   I am all about getting the word about spiritual abuse.  Thank you for sharing that passion.  It is that important.

Have a listen live here on Saturday.

Ok, check this guy out.  Below is a 2-part series (about 9 minutes each) and another video (about 5 minutes).   The first video gets better as it goes.  I think a lot of my readers will connect with Drew.  He’s a little edgy (yea, I could tell that from our e-mail exchange).  I like edgy.  He’s authentic about real Christianity, and fed up with fake Church E. Christianese.  I like him already.

The summary for the first two videos:

Watch as Drew (host of The DREW MARSHALL Show, Canada’s most listened to spiritual talkback program) makes his first (and LAST!) appearance on 100 Huntley Street. Find out why…


In this final video, Drew shares how he pays to take 5 atheists/agnostics/pagans/unchurched  people $500 to attend five churches to get their opinion of the experiences.  What a cool idea!


A little update on me – -I had a better day than the other day.  But I want to tell you why.   It’s because I experienced real church.  Not the church in a building where they collect tithes.  I didn’t experience a sermon using the right bible translation, but real, genuine church where two or more are gathered in His name.   Thank you for loving me, encouraging me, sending me verses, the YouTube videos of songs.  They were music to my soul.   To the individual who  risked and gave me a verbal a$$-whoopin’ regarding my negative self-talk, thank you.  I needed it.  You knew I needed it.  Thank you for helping me to replace those lies with truth.  I love you.

I got really, really low.  I mean really low.  The kind of low where you are left with nothingness.  Where you say, “God – – – if you are there – – – – I need you now.”    The response I got wasn’t anything earth shattering.  There were no audible voices from heaven.  I read some verses.   I shared with a few close friends.  I got good counsel.    I’m ok now, but I am still working on stuff.  I’ll likely go down again.  I’m vulnerable and weak.   But I am spoiled here.  I know that very well.  Having a visible blog allows me more connections with people than if I didn’t.  I am very thankful for that.

But I want to make sure you know if at any time you are going through something dark and deep and need help or encouragement, or to ask for prayer, please post a comment on a current thread.  You are always welcome to post using pseudonym.   You are NOT alone here.  You don’t need to walk difficult times alone.  You guys were the Body of Christ to me and I know there’s enough love and support for all.  He gave us that love to share.  Let’s do that.

38 thoughts on “Live Interview on Drew Marshall Show This Saturday and Update”

  1. Thanks, you guys. The more I watched his videos and saw what he’s about, he is exactly where I am – – – tired of fake Christianity – you know, the kind with no love. What is that, anyway? Why bother with some phoney balogna junk? I just don’t get it.


  2. The first thing that caught my attention when listening to Drew Marshall was how he said you can tell the health of a church (or something like that) by how many non-pretty people it has. So much is wrapped up in that. How we treat the abused, marginalized, “non-pretty” people reveals whether or not we really value and love others. Even how we treat naturally shy people in churches shows whether or not we are in it to love and do what Jesus did, or if we are in it only for ourselves.

    JulieAnne, I’m excited for you being on his show! Promotion of real Christianity and demotion of fake christianity is a good thing.

    I’m also glad you felt comfort and encouragement! Down days or seasons are part of walking an authentic road towards and authentic expression of our faith. The darkness certainly doesn’t want any of us to be authentic, because there is real power in it. It’s a real demonstration of who Jesus is and that’s powerful!


  3. Katie – when I heard that phrase about non-pretty people, I tweeted it. I loved it. He nails it. What’s all of this dress up and look perfect crap when your life is not? My faith journey has not been easy. But I have to cling to every little shred of hope/faith I can find. And thankfully God has always been there for me. He has never abandoned me even though I have felt it. He has always provided someone or something (often music) to rescue me from the despair. Thank God for that!

    Hey all, Drew sent an e-mail asking about my most popular posts. Calvary Chapel lawsuit is way up there for me. Any others? Homeschool Movement?? – – that one got the most comments ever. I’m all ears, oops eyes.


  4. The more I tell the truth of what happened to some of us in an abusive church situation, the more people who are normally nice morph into people who reject all the witnesses, all the similar stories; even facts that have been established get brushed aside in order to preserve their peace, which they do not want disturbed, I suppose.

    After days like that I feel like roadkill. I’m trying to clean off the tire marks across my face.


  5. Katie: I just truncated your quote above to 140 characters and tweeted it. It is fantastic. Thanks!
    Darkness doesnt want any of us to be authentic, because theres real power in it. It’s a real demonstration of who Jesus is& that’s powerful!


  6. JulieAnne, I hear pastors/leaders often refer to shy “attenders” as people who should change their personalities and become people who are outgoing in order to fit into the church, instead of making the church a friendlier place for them, where possible. Outgoing people are not better than shy people. But outgoing people should use their natural abilities to love their shy neighbor. The shy person then has much to offer that the outgoing person doesn’t have.

    The same can be said of marginalized people, hurting people, ________(fill in the blank.)

    Heard a pastor today make a derogatory comment about someone in his church who did not have friends. He noted that this person left his church, proving this person was not normal. Is that the attitude Jesus wants us to have towards others?

    If someone wants to show me their spiritual maturity, then show me how you treat the person who doesn’t benefit you, at first glance.


  7. Anonymous said:

    The more I tell the truth of what happened to some of us in an abusive church situation, the more people who are normally nice morph into people who reject all the witnesses, all the similar stories; even facts that have been established get brushed aside in order to preserve their peace, which they do not want disturbed, I suppose.

    Thanks for sharing your comment, Anonymous. You describe a very real scenario that probably most of us have faced. Those people are not living in the truth and having to face that kind of talk (and really it’s a rejection of your experience) continually sucks you down into a sea of lies. That is a tough pill to swallow. Perhaps you will need to put boundaries up for those people. For example, I know which people just don’t get it so I don’t go “there” with them. I can talk about the weather, my grandmother’s apple pie recipe, what the kids are doing, but I won’t get into the real personal issues. They are not ready for that level for whatever reason.

    I have come to a place where I am no longer satisfied with shallowness in relationships. I can play the game with niceties, but it really is a waste of time if it stays at that level.

    It’s not just about me, it’s about “us.” If you read the above post, I had someone basically get in my face and straighten me up (long distance via phone call). This person loved me enough to risk our relationship and said the difficult words to me that I needed to hear to help me get out of my funk. I appreciate that level of friendship that goes beyond the comfort level and wants the best in the other person. Wow, it’s beautiful.


  8. Oh, Anonymous – – I can so relate with that roadkill/tire marks on your face comment. My eyes still feel all puffy from Wednesday morning. Hmm, I’m wondering if I put my pj shirt in the dirty laundry. LOL


  9. appreciated Katie’s comments.

    as a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link—so too is a church only as strong as it’s weakest members.

    the sad church reality we face today is that some of the weakest, most inauthentic and ineffectual members of these institutional bodies just so happen to be the pastors.


  10. JulieAnne, I hear pastors/leaders often refer to shy “attenders” as people who should change their personalities and become people who are outgoing in order to fit into the church…

    Always SMIIIIIILING like Backslapping Used-Car Salesmen?


  11. Thanks for the links Julie Anne. I hope I’m able to listen in Saturday. This morning I just happened to be reading Georges Bernanos’ ‘Sermon of an Agnostic on the Feast of St. Therese’. This short story is pretty much what you’d expect from the title – a sermon to the church (in this case the Roman Catholic Church) from the point of view of an agnostic. I thought to myself that writing such a sermon would be a good exercise for us and get us to think about both how the church is viewed and also our responsibility to those outside of the church. Drew’s idea is even better.

    Katie, have you by chance read the book ‘Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking’? I’m one of those silent people (I know that’s odd in a pastor) and found much to take away from this book.


  12. An article that Brad Sargent and I worked on awhile back has just been posted on my Church Exiters.com website. The title is: Spiritual Abuse and Barometer People. We describe who these people are–basically those who have experienced spiritual abuse and have recovered. These are now ‘resource’ people for the church. They can be of huge benefit since they understand what can go horribly wrong in churches. It may resonate with many. See what you think.

    Check this article out at: http://www.ChurchExiters.com


  13. Craigvick, I don’t remember, but that may have been the book that someone had me read parts of when they wanted to explain how the church is set up for extroverts and “normal” people. It was a paradigm shift for me.


  14. JA, for the negative self-talk, check out the book, “Feeling Good” by Burns. It was a God-send for me. Helps you train yourself to recognize and overcome negative thinking. Highly recommend it.


  15. Whew, the host totally missed that ADD joke in the first clip. Talk about fake, she was not even listening. Just smile and nod…


  16. yeah, i caught that too, wallflower—it went right over “Barbie’s” head! Drew knew it did too. . and was having fun with her.


  17. BD – I sent him the list and included CCV. That case is very important to me as you well know.

    Wallflower – – – I noticed she missed that ADD joke, too. Maybe she intentionally avoided it to be PC?


  18. Watch as Drew (host of The DREW MARSHALL Show, Canada’s most listened to spiritual talkback program) makes his first (and LAST!) appearance on 100 Huntley Street. Find out why…

    I SAW THAT ON YOUTUBE YEARS AGO! The reaction of the two Christianese Barbie & Ken dolls when their guest takes their Shiny Happy Clappy Christianese Show on one wild ride!


  19. Loved hearing your voice, great interview!
    Ha,ha: Find out who the spiritual abusers are and go mess them up!


  20. The half hour was actually longer than some get. I knew Julie Anne had him hooked when he mentioned how the time flew!

    Course I’ve been listening to the show as a podcast for a while.


  21. Was that a half hour, Joel? It’s funny, I did get stumped when I had to describe anti-SLAPP (good grief), but the other stuff, when we started going, it was like I was just talking to someone at coffee. I forgot about #1 Christian talk show in Canada (yikes). lol


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