Sovereign Grace Ministries Lawsuit

CJ Mahaney Scheduled to Speak at TGC Amidst Sovereign Grace Lawsuit

I’m sorry, but I find this completely inappropriate.  Here you have a family of churches across the nation coming to the grips of church leaders allegedly overlooking horrific abuse claims about abuses in their church.  Now we read that the president of this group, CJ Mahaney, gets to go on with life as if there is no problem, and is speaking at the Gospel Coalition conference.   This is such a slap in the face to victims.  It tells them their problem is in their heads.  I know what this is like.  I know what it is like to have pastor after pastor not want to get their hands dirty in what they knew to be true.  Finally, five months after winning our defamation lawsuit, we have a pastor who publicly acknowledged that my former pastor lost his minister’s license.  Finally.

It’s time for the Gospel Coalition folks to step up to the plate and NOT allow CJ Mahaney to speak until this mess is cleaned up.


The Gospel Coalition’s tweet regarding upcoming conference and my response.
Screen shot 2013-01-16 at 10.33.59 AM
Notice the #TGC13 hashtag. There should be public outcry about this. Would any Tweeters like to join me?

This is what CJ will be speaking on at the conference:

Knowing God as Father: Understanding the Doctrine of Adoption


Christians are to be convinced of God’s love for them and yet often struggle with doubts. After the doctrine of justification, no truth deepens our certainty and experience of God’s love as much as understanding our adoption in Christ. It has a convincing effect on the soul. J.I. Packer has written, “The truth of our adoption gives us the deepest insights that New Testament affords into the greatness of God’s love.” This seminar will explore this insight and its implications for every Christian and pastor.

33 thoughts on “CJ Mahaney Scheduled to Speak at TGC Amidst Sovereign Grace Lawsuit”

  1. Perfect, Julie Anne. I’ll try to add some tweets and posts about this. To add insult to injury, he’s speaking on: Knowing God as Father: Understanding the Doctrine of Adoption. Just imagine. TGC obviously thinks CJ is squeaky clean on the lawsuit charges. They haven’t stopped to think that CJ’s implication, if true (and they haven’t stopped to look at the overwhelming evidence that it is true), that he oversaw and approved a system that puts more stock in the church’s reputation than protecting children. Then they have him speak on “Knowing God as Father.” They care more about doctrinal purity than real love and care for people–victims of sexual abuse and their families. Makes you sick. These people need to wake up!


  2. Exactly. They might claim “innocent before guilty”, but CJ has already admitted to blackmail with the Tomczak situation. We’ve seen countless SGM churches choose to leave, including flagship CLC whose pastor, Josh Harris, he mentored. Hello????? At a minimum they should have a “wait and see” before putting him before an audience which is basically endorsing him. It’s going to make them look ridiculous if all this proves true.


  3. Just like MOST ALL abusive church systems, it is typical for people in the church to turn their backs on the victims and support the perpetrators. Sad but true.
    Denial? No, I think not. Arrogance, narcissists, psychopaths and a lot of sick people who will continue leaving behind them their trail of victims as long as they are left standing.


  4. Its shows arrogance of being untouchable, and being right. Common sense would at least say – wait until next year when this is over before moving forward. I mean we aren’t speaking about one family, but MANY! We aren’t speaking of one church either. You have to wonder if there was a contract involved prior to all this hitting the fan, or if they really are this tactless. I agree though – if these cases go down the way it looks like it will? Maybe people will finally start to question their discernment skills.


  5. Right. If someone is under investigation for such serious charges–and as you say CLC and other churches leaving indicates something is wrong–they shouldn’t be showcased. They obviously think it’s bogus and put stock in the Reconciliation Report that basically wiped CJ’s hands clean. But the whole system is warped. That organization that did the report have the same issues as SGM, always wanting to look for sin and discounting the victims claims of abuse because “they are sinners too.” I would have to assume TGC has the same mindset. If it proves true in court, it might wake them up, but then again, their worldview is that anything like this is “Satan’s attack on the church” and anyone who criticizes such an established reformed church must be bitter, unrepentant, angry gossips, etc. etc.


  6. It just makes me wonder – – if everything turns out that there were in fact cases of abuse (I truly believe there were), then will they EVER say anything publicly? At what point do you say, “Enough is enough, there are too many unanswered questions and we need to be above reproach and let this thing play itself out before giving this man a platform and act like nothing is going on.”


  7. The fruit is being revealed – wouldn’t a godly man withdraw himself from public speaking events in order for personal reflection to demonstrate to the people he’s leading that he takes this seriously?


  8. Hmmm….if you look at what Mahaney’s teaching/theology is on fatherhood and look at the example of fatherhood he has displayed as head of SGM, I shudder to think what his views/teaching on God as a father will be…..


  9. I know, Jeannette – his church leaders, after victims reported sex abuse by their father, turned the victims back over to their abusive father rather than reporting the father, they told the wives of incestuous husbands to have more sex with their husband so that they wouldn’t have sex with their daughters, etc. It’s a very scary thought. And one thing that people miss is that this sex abuse damage that was done by their earthy fathers and then the re-victimization by the church leaders has an effect on these victims spiritually. It can distort their image of God. I don’t believe he has any business teaching anything on God as father.


  10. Distorting our image of God is exactly right. I still struggle with the concept that God might actually like me and not just tolerate me. I also find I still have this feeling of dread sometimes, expecting a divine whipping with a belt. Then the concept of ‘why should I expect God, or anyone else, to help me clean up my own mess. Clean it up yourself.’ Sympathy was not a big commodity in our house….empathy even less so.


  11. This is what so many pastors do not understand about spiritual abuse – – – and is likely the cause of so many leaving the church = the distorted image of God. It’s so sad to see the outcome of abuse. Jeannette, do you find you have to talk yourself through things to tell yourself the truth? I know I do. Reading affirming scripture or (or in music) helps, too.


  12. That helps. Reading Scripture or listening to Christian music is still hard. It’s still so tangled up in the abuse – both from childhood an later at the church I was in. Really, just talking to him and asking him questions and telling him how I feel about something or what I’m afraid of hielps more then anything.


  13. I’m glad you’ve found something that works. Sometimes certain scripture and music can trigger, so I’m careful. I find the best help in talking with someone who “gets it.”


  14. okay, this is something I seriously have a problem with. Having attended CLC for 4 years, I’ve kind of been on the inside of all of this, and it really really bothers me that CJ continues with life as usual while all of these people are calling out “shame, shame!” at him. I would love to see SGM stop what they are doing and actually care for those who are really hurting. oh, but yeah, that’s never going to happen.


  15. MHL, you’re exactly right. They’ve had nearly 5 years in which this info has been public on SGMSurvivors and SGMRefuge.They could have reached out, but their posture has always been deny, defend, deflect. When you are in that authority position, YOU make the 1st move towards the hurt sheep. Their response is revealing; silence is a choice.


  16. I believe there is only one appropriate response for a genuinely godly leader to do in this kind of situation: immediately make a public statement of full cooperation, cancel all scheduled engagements and offer to provide support of whatever kind to the victims. Anything less is arrogance at best and continued covering-up at worst. Even more unbelievable is the fact that people like Chandler and Keller are not putting pressure on TGC to publicly say/do something. (They’re not, because if they were, it would have happened.) I suspect that CJ and his entourage have only two priorities at the moment: saving face and saving money (i.e. not saying anthing that might give rise to a financial liability for SGM).


  17. What you need to remember is that TGC is not just an entity, it is made up of allegedly legitimate spiritual/Bible leaders/Teachers who approve of this. Mohler, Keller, Duncan and so on.

    This should seriously impact how these people are viewed. But wait, this also includes all the women who participate with TGC, (most the wives of these men) who are SILENT, their omission is deafening.

    Claims of the trustworthiness of TGC is approaching a mockery if it is not already.


  18. Alex: Do you notice the deafening silence on Sharper Iron? I notice whenever spiritual abuse or discussing SGM is on that forum = SILENCE!!! What’s up with that? It’s driving me crazy. Call out the elephant, people!


  19. Let me make sure my dots are connected……CJ bribes Larry T to empower himself to take over SGM (PDI at that time) holding something over his head.
    We now know that what Mahaney held over LT’s head was *this*?
    Leading me to conclude that CJ put countless numbers of kids at risk of predation because he was power hungry?
    He couldn’t care less about the vulnerable kids.
    And the Gospel Coalition is in bed with him?
    And, oh, the irony, he’s talking about fatherhood and adoption?
    Gospel Coalition, let me put this in language you can understand….
    Uninvite CJ, he has cooties!


  20. As I was reading this morning I got hit with a 2×4. After decades of being indoctrinated with what you do and do not say about pastors and leadership when they are so obviously in sin, I read this. Instead of being told what I was bringing was to be considered, I was told what I was bringing was “full of sin”. I should have put my foot down the first time. They should have listened. I will mini bullet. Not my thoughts, but Gods examples for us all.

    Many mistakenly believe that it is wrong to expose error and to name the guilty elders/pastors/teachers; but they are wrong according to scripture.

    I fear many of us have worshipped at the idol of relationships, and our love of community life has blinded us to Gods truth in these matters.

    Paul named Peter publicly: (Gal. 2:11-14). The whole issue revolved around salvation by the law or by grace. When the integrity and purity of the gospel is at stake, then we have no choice when it comes to the matter of exposing error and naming names.

    Paul named Demas for loving the world: (2 Tim. 4:10). Those who forsake the cause of Christ for worldly living and pleasures should be named and exposed.

    Paul named Hymenaeus and Alexander: ” (I Tim. 1: 18-20). God’s true servants should war a good warfare, and name those who have departed from the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Paul is not here discussing the faith of salvation but the faith as a system of doctrine. These men had made shipwreck of it and Paul exposed them and called their names.

    Paul named Hymenaeus and Philetus: (2 Tim. 2:15-18). False doctrine overthrows the faith of some, so those who are proclaiming it must be exposed.

    John named Diotrephes: (3 John 9-10). It is not wrong to name those whose doctrine and practice is contrary to the Word of God

    Moses called the name of Balaam: (See Num. 22-25). and (2 Pet. 2:15). Follow the money. I will leave it at that.

    Nathan identified the man: ” (2 Sam. 12:7). Wish many pastors had responded to all the Nathan God brought all those years.

    Hanani named King Jehoshaphat: (See 2 Chron. 18: 1; 21:1-6). Unholy alliances equal Ungodly results.

    But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

    (2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV)
    I have to wonder after all that has come out with SGM as of lately, which for me personally has cause the shedding of many, many tears for a multitude of reasons, that if pastors/elders had been as accountable to their people as we were taught to be to God and men so much of this would have never come down. I know in the long and short of it all, God is not surprised. He will not be mocked. I also know for many that have left, the manipulation is over, and life has gone on. Grace is a word that has a new, powerful and biblical meaning now.

    It would be easy to blow off so much of what was good. I am not doing that. But I am confronting the demons that did exist. They did.


  21. Paula!! Amen. Good for you. I’ve said it before, but there does seem to be a common thread of sin involving sensuality among false teachers. The 2 Peter passage you quoted discusses this. Isn’t it interesting to look at with regard to the SGM case? Keep speaking out, Paula.


  22. Thanks Julie Anne. This entire issue is now compounded with CJ speaking at Together For The Gospel in Orlando in April. I would think with all he preaches on humility, wisdom would dictate that for this season and while these issues are being addressed, a lower profile might be in order. More business as usual, which has been the mark of this organization for years now. May repentance fall and conviction come. The church is again mocked in public because those who call him Lord will not confess and turn. May God have mercy on us all.


  23. I just find all of the conference speaking to be so disturbing considering all of the pain going on in this man’s church – now especially in light of the financial issues that seem to be coming to light that have come out of their financial reports (reported on We can’t forget that narcissists do not concern themselves with others, unless it benefits them, so there you go. . . .


  24. We talk about the Big Dogs, but not much about the audiences who storm these conferences, and don’t seem to mind that Mahaney is on the bill. I can see how the BD would equate a cancellation of Mahaney with an admission of guilt. But why can’t some portion of the “fans” register some form of protest, even if it’s just booing Mahaney when he comes out to speak? Yes, they’ll risk being thrown out, but they’ll be bringing more attention to the problem. Logistics and finances prevent me from doing this; otherwise I’d be happy to show up in person to protest his appearance.


  25. Jeff, That’s a great point! I think part of the problem is that the people who go to these conferences are sheeple who may not have engaged their brains (because they have been conditioned that way by their controlling pastors) to think for themselves. They trust these Big Dogs to be doing the right thing. The Big Dogs remain silent and the cycle continues. Those of us who have engaged brains won’t be paying conference fees to attend. But maybe something else can be done to draw attention to this. We have seen that tweets do have an effect on these guys, as do comments left on blogs (if they get approved). Those who are seeing the abuse must speak louder. I will continue to challenge these guys on Twitter. I have been trying to engage with them and ask the tough questions. But keep in mind I’m a woman and because of the climate, that poses a problem. I’m already rebellious for having a voice. We need MEN to speak loudly.


  26. Yes, Jeff, cancelling Mahaney could look like an admission of guilt; but not cancelling him and not saying anything looks like they are denying any possibility of a problem.


  27. Julie Anne – I’m a Twitter novice, but I’ll do some self-education and help to get the word out. Frank Turk “un-twittered”(?) me, and I know I’m banned from Challies’ blog (maybe Justin Taylor’s also – not sure).

    Rob Grayson – I totally agree with you.


  28. That does not surprise me about Frank Turk – well, and anything on Pyro blog. Another reader sent me an old thread he posted there and he got the same reception. Even on blogs, these guys act like bullies. Good grief, I’m a woman and can handle disagreements and even rude comments directed to me. What are they afraid of? I’d like to follow you on Twitter – can you follow me so we can reconnect? Let’s get this thing going!


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