07 Public Commentary on the Archive

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The case of Beaverton Grace Bible Church v. Smith is over. The decision phase concluded when the judge presiding in this case issued his decision to dismiss it. That was on July 23, 2012. The “denouement phase” concluded when the plaintiffs completed their payments of the defendants’ court costs and attorneys fees, which totaled over $60,000. Now is the documentation phase, so the resources and lessons of this case are captured for future generations.

The purpose of the BGBC Defamation Lawsuit Archive is to present a time capsule of factual information about the dates, documents, and decisions in Beaverton Grace Bible Church v. Smith, as well as curate reasoned analysis and invited commentary on this defamation lawsuit case.

We welcome the following kinds of input from you about the Archives:

  • Corrections of facts on dates of case-related events, quotations or summaries of material that is publicly available.
  • Questions/comments about analysis and characterization of court documents or other public aspects of the case.
  • Opinions about the significance of this case for the future.

NOTE: The comment function on other Archive pages is closed, except for responses to 06 Impact of the Case and Significance for the Future. If you have comments about the impact of the case, please post them there. Otherwise, you are welcome to post your comments and questions on this page.

This Archive is not a place to attempt retrying the lawsuit, or to engage in character attacks on any of the parties involved. Please refrain from making comments of that nature.

If you have a question about analysis in the case, the answer may already be stated in another part of the Archive. Check the Table of Contents on the Archive home page to see where your topic of interest might be located. If it has not been addressed, I will respond as time allows.

Thank you for taking the time to review the BGBC Defamation Lawsuit Archive. Your insights on the case and its impact are appreciated … for those studying to learn from this lawsuit now and in the future.

~ Brad Sargent, February 2013

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11 thoughts on “07 Public Commentary on the Archive”

  1. Hm, I just got a “broken link” warning for a link on my site to bgbcsurvivors.org. Now that whole site is pulling up “Forbidden” errors. Is it finally down?


  2. Good catch, Nyssa. You’re right, it is down and it looks like the YouTube videos are not public anymore. I have a hunch it has to do with image control. He’s got to look good for the upcoming Heartcry conference he and BGBC are hosting this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

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