Doctrine as Idol, Domestic Violence, Lori Alexander, Mental Health and the Church, Spiritual Abuse, Suicide, Women and the Church

The Dangerous Teachings of Lori Alexander of The Transformed Wife

Lori Alexander, Depression, Suicide

-by Julie Anne and Kathi

Lori Alexander (Facebook photo)

Lori Alexander runs a blog and Facebook page called The Transformed Wife. Her Facebook page has over 21,000 followers! She models her ministry using the Titus 2 idea of older women teaching younger women. After 23 years of a difficult marriage, she claims her marriage improved after she applied God’s principles to her life; so she feels qualified to share with her followers how she learned to submit to her husband, and thus, have a happy marriage.

Lori appeals to women who want to be godly and obedient wives, serving their husbands. But as Kathi and I read her articles, we are alarmed by some of her teachings. Some of them put wives in harm’s way. Other teachings minimize serious mental health issues, or attempt to solve them by simply praying.

We are thankful to a reader on our Facebook page that brought to our attention Lori’s recent actions. Lori wrote a post this past week about depression and suicide among women and linked the post to her Facebook page.

We were sent this screenshot which shows a woman stating that she contemplated taking her own life. Lori’s response is to go to the Bible for strength. Thankfully, another reader responded with the advice to seek help immediately through the suicide hotline.


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As of yesterday, Lori has removed the above comments from her Facebook page article.

I (KB) also responded to a woman who laments over being asked by her doctor if she is feeling any depression. Thank goodness this woman has a doctor who cares! Sometimes it only takes asking a person, “How are you?” to save a life.

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Now my comment to this woman has been removed from Lori’s Facebook page.

This shows the true heart of Lori through her actions of removing critical information that could help save someone’s life. Lori also can’t seem to handle the fact that doctors play an essential role in mental health care.

It’s important to note that Lori is often challenged by reasonable people, encouraging proper medical or mental health care. Lori, or her husband, Ken, usually delete these comments, so all you end up seeing are accolades of her like-minded followers who pat her on the back telling her how right she is. Her blog and Facebook page is solely: Lori’s way or the highway. She does not accept challenge or corrective criticism. She and her husband believe that anyone who counters her is obviously not godly and dismissed as being the work of Satan.

Lori Alexander is treading in dangerous territory. Her words could lead someone to suicide if their mental health issues don’t clear up by her prescription of prayer and reading Scripture. She treats depression/suicide as a sin, when it could be the result of a medical condition, abuse, PTSD, etc.

If there is anyone reading here today that is a follower of Lori, we urge you to walk away from her. Her teachings are dangerous and she cares more about her ideology than people in need of help.

If you are in need of any help in regard to domestic violence, spiritual abuse, or mental health issues, we are here for you. Please reach out. You will find a caring community that cares more about you as a person than any ideology that you should follow.

110 thoughts on “The Dangerous Teachings of Lori Alexander of The Transformed Wife”

  1. Thanks to everyone for all the great advice above. I have suffered from clinical depression since early childhood, Praying and reading the Bible does not cure clinical depression—does not even put a slight dent in it in most cases. Medication and talk therapy with a really good PhD clinical psychologist or M.D. psychiatrist is the way to go—works every time for me—and just as God revealed antibiotics to men when their time had come—so did he reveal the beginnings of modern psychology and psychotherapy to Sigmund Freud when it was God’s time for those things to be revealed. Both were gifts from God through scientific discovery, and no good gift from God should ever be turned down because He lovingly gives them to us for the benefit of mankind—-when we are finally able to understand them and accept them.

    Moderator removed link. ~ja

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Julie Ann and Kathi in calling Lori dangerous you did exactly what you accuse her of! You are equally extreme in your assessment of the problem suicidal people face. Suicidal thoughts are not always a medical condition! There are deep spiritual connections to suicide! Prayer is therefore important ,yet it must be accompanied with professional medical attention. Lori states her view on the subject from a purely spiritual angle,you state the medical! The best approach however is prayer and medicine!


  3. Pastor Dan saidDear Julie Ann and Kathi in calling Lori dangerous you did exactly what you accuse her of!

    You are equally extreme in your assessment of the problem suicidal people face.

    Suicidal thoughts are not always a medical condition! There are deep spiritual connections to suicide!

    Prayer is therefore important ,yet it must be accompanied with professional medical attention.

    Lori states her view on the subject from a purely spiritual angle,you state the medical! The best approach however is prayer and medicine! I used to, and still sometimes do, deal with suicidal ideation.

    Prayer never helped me with it at all.

    If others find it helpful, great, I’m not telling them to stop, but it did nothing for me.

    _For Most, Jesus and the Gospels Are Not the Answer for Depression, Suicide, and Other Mental Health Maladies (Part 1) _

    _Please Stop Treating Mental Illness Like It Has A One Size Fits All Solution by H. Gladwell_


  4. Recently she touted a lotion that would cure cancer. She is reckless and as you say will not listen to anyone that doesn’t agree with her.


  5. Lori Alexander is awesome. I am do pleased as punch to see some women stand up to the radicle feminists, that is so gender confused.


  6. @john walsh

    What do the words “radicle feminists” actually mean? How does one define a “radicle feminist” verses a “moderate feminist” verses any of “feminist.”

    Would the woman at the well, with whom Jesus spoke (mind you, the religious males of that time, hated and loathed women/and her people as was customary of their religious rules/laws/traditions of man rather than the Way of Christ) be considered a feminist due to the fact she ran back to her village and shared with men and women of the One that prophesied to her?

    How dare the Samaritan woman speak to men, of the Messiah! Does she know that she is to always “be silent???”

    Lori leads a faith and lifestyle of double standards that are prominent amongst double minded souls, thus, as the Scriptures state, “they are unstable in all of their ways.” And does Lori truly seek to be “Christlike,” or are her sets of rules/standards/laws based on traditions of man, which are in fact, heretical?

    When Jesus returns, will He find faith? And precisely whose holiness are we trusting in, that of Christ Alone for salvation, or the c’hurch institution (self righteousness and fake holiness) that seeks to be worshipped in place of our Savior?

    I’m not too worried about the current state of feminism, whatever that is (no clear, concise definition carved in stone). The concept has not destroyed nor hindered my faith in Him for my salvation and eternal resting place, Praise Jesus Holy Name!


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