Calvinism, Doctrine as Idol, Kevin DeYoung, Uncategorized, Voddie Baucham

So, We’re Collecting Money for a New Documentary to Promote a Specific Doctrine?


A blog reader alerted me to a kickstarter, or fundraising effort. Les Lanphere created the kickstarter to raise money for a new documentary on Calvinism called, Calvinist.

Les Lanphere describes himself as, “a film maker who has worked in a variety of areas in production and post production on films like Transformers 3, The Smurfs, Epic, and Rock of Ages. Les is also one of the hosts of a popular Christian podcast called the Reformed Pubcast.”

What is the purpose of the documentary? It is:

A film seeking to explain Calvinism, celebrate its recent resurgence, and to answer the question, “What’s next?”

I tried to embed the video summary, but was unable to. Here is the link.

Notice the big names in this documentary: Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, Michael Horton, Tim Challies, Carl Trueman, Voddie Baucham, James White, R. Scott Clark, and Joe Thorn.

A few quotes popped out at me as I read this. Those who have been reading the blog for a Calvinist documentarywhile know that I object to labels. I find they can be misleading. For that matter, I know many people who label themselves as “Calvinist,” or “complementarian,” etc, but do not know exactly what the word means. Another issue with labels is there seems to be a continuum for many of them.

For example, with Calvinism, one can be a 5-point Calvinist, but even a 2-point Calvinist will call themselves a Calvinist.  Um . . . hello . .  that’s less than half of TULIP’s primary beliefs. Some couples claim to be complementarian, yet to outsiders, they function like egalitarians. As I said . . . so much for labels. They may not fully represent someone and their beliefs, and can be quite confusing and complicate matters.

I digress.

Here are a few sentences that stuck out to me:

CALVINIST is a film about a powerful and interesting movement God has orchestrated over last generation that finds its roots in a rich and fascinating history.


Calvinist documentary1Powerful and interesting movement that God has orchestrated? How do we know that God orchestrated it? Did he send direct e-mails to key people in the movement? I’m not sure that all non-Calvinists would agree with this. If you are a Calvinist, I’m sure this sounds pretty special. To outsiders, not so much. To me, it sounds like a bunch of hype. And for the record, I do not like hype. I saw what it did in my former church. If I saw a documentary selling Arminianism, I’d be having a similar cow. Moooooo!

Rich and fascinating history? I don’t care about this kind of history and decalvinist documentaryad men. I know
a few people who would gasp at this. ::::shudder:::: I am a Believer. I am of the priesthood of Believers, as every Christian is, both men and women alike – as in e.q.u.a.l. Dead men did not have any more access to God than you or me, so it bothers me when people elevate dead men like this. Give me Jesus.



I’m a musician and my brain just traveled here. Please join me:

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus
When I am alone
When I am alone
Oh, when I am alone
Give me Jesus


Amen! Now that’s what I’m talking about. No hyped up dead men, or alive men, or special doctrine, just Jesus and me (or you).
I digress, Part 2.
Oh, have you been noticing the screen-caps of the rewards for donors? Gotta love the Calvinist terms, like irresistible in this one:


Back to the bothersome, annoying quotes.


CALVINIST will be modern, youthful, and energetic. The tone will be encouraging while also challenging.

Say what? Because Calvinism (or any other doctrine, for that matter) has to be doctored up and sold to the masses, “modern, youthful, and energetic?”  Puh-lease.  Can we stop this madness? God is – He just is. He needs no modernization or fixing, period.

By supporting this project you are helping to explain to the world the wonderful doctrines of grace and allowing a generation to tell their story. As more people hear what Calvinism is really about, who knows what God may do…

To this, I say, there is nothing new under the sun. Take that money and be the hands and feet of Christ in your churches and community. Help a domestic violence survivor with childcare expenses so she can go to school. Shoot, pay for her tuition. Buy someone a car who has no transportation to stay gainfully employed.  Help fill someone’s fridge. There are life/death situations all around us and money is being raised to sell a doctrine?  Lord, help us all.
End rant.


55 thoughts on “So, We’re Collecting Money for a New Documentary to Promote a Specific Doctrine?”

  1. I don’t see a purpose in this – at least a good purpose. First of all for the most part I have grown very weary of the same big names continuing to come up and so many Christians just looking to them for all the answers. That is just a formula for BIG trouble. Second, this kind of thing tends to come between us and Scripture. The church has sooooo many man-made traditions floating around being paraded as Scripture nowadays that if anything we need to go right back to the Word itself. The authors and theologians I find myself using are the few like G.K. Beale who teach us how to get a firm hold on the big picture of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and then show us how to fit the individual verses and books of the Bible into that big panorama of God’s overall plan for redemption in Christ. That may not be very clear, but what it comes down to is that we absolutely have to quit looking at the individual trees and not even seeing the forest. Otherwise we will go wrong in handling the Word.

    And I am a Calvinist. I adhere to Reformed Theology. But as you say there are lots of people out there who make this claim who in fact are either hyper-calvinists OR what I suppose we are calling neo or new- calvinists and the have all kinds of other nonsense in their bag of tricks.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Uhgg. As a vehement objector to “Calvinism” the way I understand it based on history, I am very opposed to any form of its promotion. I don’t see it explaining “the wonderful doctrines of grace” at all–e.g. God choosing whom to save is favoritism, not grace.

    I’m not opposed to looking at history though. The trouble is the “rich history” of Calvinism does NOT lead back to the original message of good news that Jesus brought… Tom Talbott’s “The Inescapable Love of God” is a great book that strongly refutes it. No, not interested in promoting “doctrine” unless it’s a authentic grace doctrine that doesn’t insist one accept certain doctrines to be truly “biblical” or true or blessed. Not to mention that the “New Calvinism” has a trail of spiritual abusers, e.g. Mars Hill, Mark Driscoll, SGM, CJ Mahaney, etc.

    Agree, money better spent on loving others and helping the oppressed.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Rich history? Well are they going back to Calvin himself and show that rich history? You know the Calvin that considered any Christian outside of his teaching to be a heretic and the same guy that participated in burning Anabaptists at the stake and the same guy that ran Geneva as a theocracy? The same guy that locked Church doors during the week so people couldn’t go to Church and pray (don’t want to be like those Catholics now that went to Church during the week to pray and have Mass). The same guy that didn’t like Martin Luther. The same guy that took Church attendance to see who was showing up. I guess I want to see THAT rich history. Gee, I want to know. Should I hold my breath or just skip it? I’m afraid that if I hold my breath, I’ll pass out.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. My view of Calvin is that he came a long way from the teaching of the Catholic church at that time, but there needed to be many to stand on his shoulders to correct more abuses of the church at that time. Calvin did a lot to further the theology of salvation, removing it from being faith + works, but he did not apply the same magnifying glass towards the church’s thirst for power and control. Unfortunately, much of the Reformed tradition thinks that the time period from Calvin to Westminster was the pinnacle of the church, and that there are no debates worth having now that weren’t settled by someone in the 15th century.


  5. When Jesus chose his disciples, he simply said, “Follow me”. There was no litmus test of doctrines. Three times Jesus told them that he was gonna die on a cross, just as the scriptures state. They were like, “Huh?”. Followers of Jesus didn’t know doctrines.

    Dead people do not decide anything FOR me, nor do they speak FOR me.

    The rich history of John Calvin has taught that if you don’t believe in what he believes, you die, and God gets the glory.

    As far as I am concerned, John Calvin coveted the Pope’s authority to control people.

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  6. This is mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ. Calvin was a man, just a man, a sinful treacherous one at that. Will we meet him in Heaven? Only God can answer that, but I have my doubts.

    I thoroughly agree……”follow me” is what Jesus called for. The only “doctrine” that is worth anything is Jesus Christ who died for me, lives today and saves those that will believe.

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  7. Maybe I have it all wrong concerning my faith in Jesus, the Christ, alone for my salvation…but then, as a child of our Father Who art in Heaven, maybe not. If Jesus, my LORD and Savior says that we are to have faith like a child, why is it then that growing up in the church, I had never heard of Calvin, Finney, Spurgeon, Lloyd-Jones, Tozer, Graham, etc.?

    In our small, backwards church of yesteryear, we brought our Bibles to church, studied the Scriptures for ourselves, and prayed and loved on one another. I was loved, felt loved, and was learning about Jesus and His Word and His Ways. Our faith was not grounded in some man, or his version of the Scriptures, or his way of life…..and our faith certainly did not depend on giving money to those men who had an agenda….it was a small, poor church who needed the funds to pay for their own expenses as well as helping out those families in need for we were all struggling to make ends meet at that time.

    It just seems to me that people in this day an age love following their own messiahs, men and women who love the soundbite for themselves and as innocent, or maybe not so innocent sheep, fall for their delusions. I have been called a ‘baby Christian’ many, many times by those who deem themselves more educated in the culture of Christianity, so insults no longer bother me anymore from the religious sect, because I choose not to read all of their books recommended to me, nor attend their expensive conferences or buy their ‘jesus junk’ (too many struggling families in our area to give money too and help out, even in the land of plenty), or stand up in front of the church praising myself disguised as ‘a testimony’……been there and done all of that and am ashamed of myself for being ‘one of them.’ May our LORD forgive my soul. I just don’t see in the Bible, where I have to identify myself as ‘a Calvinist,’ or a “Lutheran,” or a “Tozerite,” or a “Spurgeonite,” or a “Mohlerite,” or believing in “Grahamism,” or “Benny Hinnism or Todd Bentleyisem”, or “Joyce Meyerism or Paula Whiteism or Mary Kassianism”……..the list is endless…….

    or whatever person we choose to place on that proverbial pedestal we can outright call “human idolatry.” We can read in our Holy Scriptures where the Apostles are calling out this very same thing happening where man is placing man in the seat, the bema seat of Christ. Did not the Apostle Paul need to address the fact that men and women of religion desire to place themselves first and in high positions of authority, secretly desiring followers after themselves instead of Christ?

    May I reiterate…have been called a ‘baby Christian’ by those who would love to lord it over my soul seeking notches on their own salvation belts; by the so called elect…..and in fact, a conscious choice to not follow men and women or believe in them as my Savior has been made, so I guess a baby Christian I will continue to be, according to their definitions. Jesus never commanded me to follow a man or woman….for only He was blameless.

    “Whom then shall we serve?” Hopefully will reach the ‘toddler Christian’ label very soon! Praise the LORD, oh my soul!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Yes, there is nothing new under the sun. Yawn…

    If this ever gets released to a streaming service I bet it would go to Pure Flix and not Netflix.


  9. That promo literally made me sick to my stomach. Years ago I renounced out loud my Calvinist rooted oath after perusing through my childhood Calvinette merit badge booklet that in part says “the Heidelberg catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession ARE the true interpretation of the scriptures.” My mother could never figure out why I believed that God is just a creator chess player in the sky who plays with my life like a pawn he doesn’t give a crap about. I don’t think she ever really paid attention to what Calvin really taught. She came from generations of good Calvinist people. Sometimes people believe their Christian heritage is all good because they didn’t have trauma and had good parents. Everyone must question. I saw such snootiness in the church growing up and I see nothing but snootiness in the promo. “I’m a Calvinist, look at me look down into the camera at you, next I’m going to proudly beat my chest.” Anyway, that’s what I saw in the promo. I wonder how much he will charge churches for his movie.

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  10. Katy, very few people ever used their own Bibles in the Christian Reformed church I grew up in. If a man in the pulpit read it for us, that was good enough.

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  11. They needed a Kickstarter?
    I understand all those Big Dogs named are NOT hurting for money.
    (“The Tithes Must Flow.”)


  12. Imagine a dirty refugee camp with 1000’s of refugees and more on the way, I doubt that will be the opening scene of the movie, it should be. It most likely will be honor the Lordship salvation of freemasonry, with it’s law loving, gun toting America is the promised land Christianity, the emphasis will be Calvin as a very strict man who laid down the law. Calvin was a refugee himself, he had to flee France because of his opposition to the Church powers of his day and was labeled a heretic, Calvin was more interested in the deacon office than the elder office. If you study the reformation things like hospitals, debt relief, capping of interest rates on money lending were major concerns of the reformers, they wanted to see grace abound and they were not interested in building a religious republic, They also worked to eliminate indulgences of knowledge by the religious leaders who were using abusive powers which lead to mass corruption, weakness and apostasy in the church, you don’t have to look hard to see the parallels today. I love this group, Julie who was sued by a lordship salvationist and Kathi have organically created a environment that emphasizes bible reading, prayer and support for all seeking Jesus as a Calvinist I believe that was predestined…


  13. I feel these folks teach their kids

    I am a c
    I am a ca
    I am a c a l v i n i s t

    I have C a l v i n in my H e a r t …
    And I will live the rest of my life in utter depravity


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  14. This clip from the movie hardcore shares the TULIP. (sorry for the f bomb at the end of the clip)

    The movie was written by a Calvinist and tells the story of a girl who went to a young Calvinist convention then ends up in a drug and prostitution slave community, her father pursues her and enters her new world and uses every means possible to retrieve her which he does successfully. the end of the movie shows he does not see how the same love was shown to him because he was living what he thought was a exemplary life.


  15. The YRR crowd are spewing propaganda faster than you can keep track of it.

    It seems to me that if these big names want to make some propaganda, they ought to fund it themselves. They certainly are more able than the average follower.

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  16. Fluffy. I see you read the Reformed sanitized version of history that leaves out the banishments, imprisonments, tortures and burnings of those who disagreed with the Reformed state church. Not to mention the fines for things like making fun of Calvin in public.

    The Reformation was more political than spiritual and I am glad they tried to Reform the Catholic Church. Sadly, they were just like them in mode of operation and just as oppressive to those who dared to dissent from the ideology.


  17. Spot on, rob war & Patti. The “rich history” of Calvinism is a joke that makes thinking people sick.


  18. Hi lydia00 thanks for the comment, there is no doubt that many sins have been committed by humans that were atrocious, such is the danger of worshiping a human. My comments were never meant to disavow any such sins, my goal was to focus on grace and its ability to regenerate humanity will the movie in this discussion compliment Gods gift of grace? I believe there is a disproportionate amount of money that is spent on frivolous activity’s such as books, movies and meetings the Reformation did accomplish dealing with some of those indulgences. Again if I offended you with my comments please accept my apologies.


  19. Loved your last paragraph Julie Anne. It puts into focus the real rubber and the real road, the one that has tangible meaning, the one that travels toward a better world in the here and now.

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  20. Powerful and interesting movement that God has orchestrated? How do we know that God orchestrated it? Did he send direct e-mails to key people in the movement? I’m not sure that all non-Calvinists would agree with this.

    Spot on. I am convinced that the commandment not to take the name of God in vain was aimed at things like this, not silly verbal ticks like “OMG.”

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  21. So, We’re Collecting Money for a New Documentary to Promote a Specific Doctrine?

    “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
    — P.T.Barnum


  22. @DavidC:

    Spot on. I am convinced that the commandment not to take the name of God in vain was aimed at things like this, not silly verbal ticks like “OMG.”

    According to every Jewish source I’ve encountered, that WAS the original meaning of the Commandment — claiming God’s sanction for doing evil.

    Like God was saying “You do your own dirty work — don’t drag Me (or My Name) into it!”

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  23. “I love this group, Julie who was sued by a lordship salvationist and Kathi have organically created a environment that emphasizes bible reading, prayer and support for all seeking Jesus as a Calvinist I believe that was predestined…”
    They Call Me Fluffy, I know we are not here today to debate doctrine, but since you threw a little in there I just wanted to say how I too love that Julie and Kathi are here for this, but as a semi-Arminian I believe that if Julie and Kathi did not answer the call (different from being predestined as believers to become like Christ), that God would have raised up someone else for such a time as this, just as Mordecai said to Esther if she did not choose to follow God’s lead in her call.

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  24. Hi Patti thanks for the comment, for some reason I want to say only a Calvinette would catch the subtle self righteous doctrinal statement I made, being married to a non Calvinist and father to two missionary minded kids there are a lot of people smarter than me and I appreciate that.


  25. Fluffy, I don’t get offended over such things. I was simply correcting a very one sided view of history. I don’t buy into “men of their time” doing evil in the name of God, arguments as if, but hey, look at only the good. History tends to repeat itself because we do so much whitewashing of the evils in the Name of God. There is a big push on to romanticize the Reformation.

    There were men and women of that time that dissented from the Reformers on issues of believers baptism, state church, stifling laws, etc. they were hunted like animals and punished for simply disagreeing. Many were drowned as their third baptism. The Reformation was political using Christ as the beard to wrest power from the all consuming Catholic Church.

    The Reformers were just as brutal and tyrannical as the Catholic Church. Romantisizing it deserves a response. Thousands and thousands of innocent people were mudered in the name of God by the Reformers. Read up on it.


  26. Hi lydia00 your correct humans have been murdering each other for too long despite a direct order from God not to do so, I do not want to diminish what humans have done in the name of their God and if I have I apologize.


  27. lydia00 your correct humans have been murdering each other for too long despite a direct order from God not to do so, I do not want to diminish what humans have done in the name of their God and if I have I apologize.”

    Actually, the very point I was attempting to make is that not ALL humans have been murdering others. The Reformers sanctioned such atrocities as pleasing to God. There were others at the same time who saw it as heinous, spoke out and paid a high price.

    I see your apology as an attempt to sin leveling and accusing ALL humans of the same evils. Ironically, that is a Reformed teaching.


  28. Their goal is to Calvinize the world since they believe they, and they alone, have the True Gospel.


  29. Dustin, You can spend your money as you see fit. I will save my coins for those that are truly in need. Jesus is the light of the world, not John Calvin.


  30. “. I will save my coins for those that are truly in need. Jesus is the light of the world, not John Calvin.”

    Copy that!


  31. Amen Julie Ann, Darlene, Brenda R, and lydia00!

    Seems to me I don’t recollect studying that mammon was collected in the New Testament Ecclesia to support documentaries featuring Apollos, Cephas, or Priscilla and Aquilla. Evidently, their sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ wasn’t enough back in their day, and the money collected by the Apostles and disciples of Christ, should have been redistributed into self promoting documentaries of themselves. Where in the world were their leadership training manuals, did they not know the Jesus was not enough….surely they should have had a documentary on John Calvin to do religion the right way. Aghast!

    Out here in rural man’s land, the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints is alive and well without John Calvin. Praise our LORD Jesus, the Christ! And frankly, have to stand with Brenda and lydia00 here, for there is such a need for compassion for the least of these amongst us in the land of affluent religion.

    Religious history…..burning at the stake (or other forms of persecution) when one does not agree with another’s false Gospel…..oh, how blind the wicked and evil truly are……and Jesus said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Jesus knows and He still sees……everything.

    Thankfully the acronym TULIP, has not poisoned the beauty of the tulips in my back yard. And also, so incredibly thankful in my heart, that Jesus did not need an acronym to teach and preach to the masses……what a profound revelation!


  32. Hi dustin, you were part of the lordship salvation group called #the15 and your supporting the documentary, would you consider the men featured in the documentary also lordship salvationists ?


  33. i spend my money in many different ways, and try to live as sacrificially as i possibly can. while it’s not something that i typically give to, so far, i’m content where my coin has been deposited thus far.

    as far as fluffy goes, we may have different ideas of what lordship salvation entails- but i do believe it, yes, and as far as i know the men being featured believe it too


  34. actually amendment- i would believe in something akin to LS, but not exactly as Macarthur understands it, Also after some research, some of the men don’t hold to it either, but would have my variation on it.


  35. Have been searching the Scriptures like a Berean, and still cannot find the verse where Jesus stated He was a calvinist, or a reformend theologian for that matter. As stated in another comment, have been told by many a Christian (the ones who believe Todd Bentley heals with his biker boot, and Kenneth Copeland’s falling down into a laughing hyena hysteria is the working of a holy spirit of sorts) that I am a baby Christian, perhaps I need to grab my baby bottle and blanket and settle down for a long, hard Bible study here.

    It is difficult for me to grasp that we take our Master, our Great Teacher, and lower him down to our level, giving Him names that are not even associated with Him……..Jesus was a Calvinist, no wait, he was an Arminian, no, no, no, He sat under Joyce Meyer, Paula White and James Dobson. A little humor here.

    Seriously, when we share the Gospel of Jesus, are we pointing people to Him, our Savior of the world, or are we seeking to create followers of man? Paul, the Apostle said that he boasted in Christ alone…..seems to me the world of religion boasts in this man or that woman, and leaves our Great Redeemer out of the equation.

    May I reiterate, growing up in a small rural church, very poor by man’s standards, we never heard of any of these religious men, nor their quotes, nor their movements, nor their lifestyles, we sat under the teachings of Jesus, the Word of God, and the fellowship of the saints. Guess I’ll have to listen to all of those ‘mature’ (?) Christians out there keep calling me a ‘baby Christian’ with my Bible in tow, for will continue to follow Him instead of the workings of any man or woman.

    Julie Anne, please erase this comment if it sounds too arrogant, that was not my heart’s intention, nor is it my ’cause.’ I respect your discernment. Thank-you.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Katy that is beautiful, thank you

    The Lord is My Shepherd
    1A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

    Revelation 7:17
    For the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to fountains of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.'”

    Ezekiel 34:14
    “I will feed them in a good pasture, and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel. There they will lie down on good grazing ground and feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.

    Ezekiel 34:15
    “I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest,” declares the Lord GOD.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Hi dustin not sure what you believe, the movie is a ecumenical cluster where most of those involved don’t know what they believe either, They hold to some sort of theological conclusion yet they are so opposed to each other they have forgotten Jesus

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  38. Just a quick check here before getting on with my work day…..

    To my friend Fluffy…..oh thank-you, THANK-YOU, for those amazing Scripture verses for I needed to hear all of them in putting my latest trials in perspective. I praise our LORD for you and the fact that God, the Holy Spirit, called you to minister to me this day. My soul has been counseled and now I am not anxious any longer, may God Bless you dear one! “I will feed my flock and put them to rest,” declares the Lord God. Will commit that one to memory as I ponder and live this the rest of my day here in the dirt.

    And thank-you Julie Anne, for when pride wells up in my soul there is a tendency to become a little anxious and a bit high flutin’.


  39. Katy, If you are being called a “baby Christian”, I would wear that badge with honor. It means that your have humbleness of heart and child-like faith in no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. I can’t think of anything else that would be greater to be called.


  40. Hey Katy- Woot Woot my freind…. your words were beautiful and demanded I reply with encouragement thank YOU


  41. Katy

    “Have been searching the Scriptures like a Berean, and still cannot find the verse where Jesus stated He was a calvinist, or a reformend theologian for that matter.”

    you likely won’t. the argument is not that “jesus is a calvinist” but in the same way that if you systematize your theology you’ll reveal the trinity, you’ll also be able to establish stuff like “perseverance of the saints”

    “As stated in another comment, have been told by many a Christian (the ones who believe Todd Bentley heals with his biker boot, and Kenneth Copeland’s falling down into a laughing hyena hysteria is the working of a holy spirit of sorts) that I am a baby Christian, perhaps I need to grab my baby bottle and blanket and settle down for a long, hard Bible study here.”

    that’s bizarre, honestly. i would suggest quite the opposite- that if anyone thinks those men are legit and not total charlatans, that they are the baby christians.

    “It is difficult for me to grasp that we take our Master, our Great Teacher, and lower him down to our level, giving Him names that are not even associated with Him……..Jesus was a Calvinist, no wait, he was an Arminian, no, no, no, He sat under Joyce Meyer, Paula White and James Dobson. A little humor here.”

    i would hope that no one would do that.

    “Seriously, when we share the Gospel of Jesus, are we pointing people to Him, our Savior of the world, or are we seeking to create followers of man? Paul, the Apostle said that he boasted in Christ alone…..seems to me the world of religion boasts in this man or that woman, and leaves our Great Redeemer out of the equation.”

    on occasion that happens, and it ought not to be.

    “May I reiterate, growing up in a small rural church, very poor by man’s standards, we never heard of any of these religious men, nor their quotes, nor their movements, nor their lifestyles, we sat under the teachings of Jesus, the Word of God, and the fellowship of the saints. Guess I’ll have to listen to all of those ‘mature’ (?) Christians out there keep calling me a ‘baby Christian’ with my Bible in tow, for will continue to follow Him instead of the workings of any man or woman.”

    while this is not bad a thing, i think there is great value in being taught church history and the development of doctrine and beliefs. i think it helps give confidence to people when answering critics. more importantly that that, is that having a robust, well-rounded understanding of the context of the scriptures helps to buttress truth and expose error.


  42. Hi dustin are you saying that the modernist teaching of federal vision which is taught quite liberally in the PCA a strong example of Church History? How does your version of Lordship Salvation vary from MacArthur’s version, would it be more in line with the URCNA version of no women in office?

    yours truly Fluffy


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