Crazy Things Church Leaders Say & Do, Voddie Baucham

Voddie Baucham Posts an Unverified Incest Story on Facebook and Implicates the Homosexual Agenda


Voddie Baucham leads his Facebook readers to an unproven incest story between grandmother and grandson and blames the Homosexual Agenda


Watch your Christian leaders, folks. Sometimes their own agendas are so strong that they don’t use their own critical thinking skills and lead their followers down a path of untruths and speculations.

Voddie Baucham posted a story on his Facebook Page that has not been credited. In fact, a simple 10-second Google search told me that this story is not verified and is most likely a hoax.

Secondly, he blasts the Homosexual Agenda.  Um, this story is about incest with a female grandmother and a male grandson.

We need to watch how Christian leaders spin things and make sure what they tell us is credible.

Here is the direct link to Baucham’s Facebook page where you can read over 170 comments, including some comments from readers who told him the story is bogus.  Notice that at the time of my screenshot, 436 people have shared Voddie Baucham’s post.  It makes me wonder how many included the fact that it is unproven? Or did they just send it because Voddie Baucham is such a fine Christian leader and would do no harm?  179 people liked this article?  Whoa.

Please take your discernment vitamins, peeps!


voddie baucham Screen Shot 2014-08-09 at 9.43.42 AM



Here is the link to the unverified article:  Grandmother and grandson to have child together

I found this article in less than 10 seconds of internet searching to see if this story was true:  Pearl Carter and Phil Bailey Story: Real or Hoax?

It’s been over 24 hours since this article was posted and several new articles have been added to the Facebook page.  He needs to take it down and offer an apology.


46 thoughts on “Voddie Baucham Posts an Unverified Incest Story on Facebook and Implicates the Homosexual Agenda”

  1. I might point out that the story is 4 years old.

    The sad truth is that, even were the story true, this is not the fruit of the homosexual agenda. Homosexuality, incest, sexual abuse and other immorality are the fruit of rejecting God. See Romans 1:21-25:

    Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful… 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.


  2. A great number of celebrity pastors and pastors in general are shockingly gullible; I once had a pastor who told the congregation our state was storing up guillotines to chop off the heads of Christians, that you could hear the screams of the damned if you put a mic close to the mouth of a volcano, and that the illuminati had taken over our government. Probably 2 or 3 times a month he made some pronouncement from the pulpit that was a flat out urban legend. Of course, like Voddie, he got all this stuff off the internet and didn’t have enough common sense or discernment to question it. I think an unusually high percentage of pastors are mentally ill.


  3. Too much seminary, not enough time spent with Jesus!! If this story were true, which I highly doubt, it wouldn’t have anything to do with homosexuality or their movement. Even homosexuals have their limits and wouldn’t think about incest. I am in no way condoning the immoral practice, but come on. This makes no sense.

    I am going to agree with Truth Detector: A high percentage of pastors (or at least celeb pastors) are mentally ill.


  4. How I wish this were a lone and isolated case, but this happens all the time — which is also probably the fault of those wicked homosexuals, lol. I just wrote a similar post on this issue this morning. Sometimes I just want to run away, crawl in a corner, and cry for about three days straight (no pun intended).


  5. Good grief, how gullible they are. 72 and pregnant? What are the odds of that happening?

    BUT this post did trigger some horrific memories. Shortly after I left the Air Force and moved back to stay at my mom’s house with my kids, I caught my mom doing inappropriate things to my 2 year old son, while she was forcing him to nap with her in her bed. I called Child Protective Services on her. They did an “investigation” on her (interviewed her only) and because she denied any wrongdoing, they deemed the accusation unfounded.

    As soon as I possibly could, I got a job and moved my kids and myself out and into an apartment 35 miles away, never to return to her house. I never left my kids alone in the same room with her again.

    This is the main reason I believe that she must have molested my older brother when he was very young. How many 7 year old boys molest their 4 year old sisters unless they were molested themselves?


  6. Isaiah 3, especially verse 4, is on-point. The whole chapter is helpful to describe the state of American Christianity, which has never been good, but being tied up in the disintegration of American culture to which it has tied itself, is going down with it. Perhaps a few will come out, but the churches in Revelation 2-3, all of which disappeared, warn us that that is no sure thing.

    It has been hard to watch this apostasy progress since I became a Christian in 1971, when things did look hopeful.


  7. I take it that Voddie has nothing of substance to talk about. Imagine that.
    What’s really odd to me is that this comes from the same man who claimed God gave men daughters to satisfy their need “for attention from younger women.” You’d think he wouldn’t have any issue with this (unproven) story.


  8. wftt2,
    I’m glad you got your kids out of that house. Whether or not CPS could verify it, you did the right thing.


  9. Re: Justin’s comment.
    Egalitarianism, the root of all evil. Wait, I thought it was the love of money, or something like that.


  10. refugee,
    Wait, I thought it was the love of money, or something like that.

    Folks just keep rewriting the Bible and can’t seem to send out the memos to let the rest of us know.


  11. We are having a lot of rain here in N.C.(God is punishing us for the homosexuals). A large tree limb fell on our house from all of the rain. ( I think due to the gay agenda). Also a neighborhood kid came over to borrow an egg. (We gave her three, because her father has a gay brother who maybe in town. He might get his LGBT friends to fly in and burn down are house if we refused). I did read the grandmother/grandson article and silently thanked God for Baucom’s bravery and wisdom. (My female brain would have never connected this article to the gay agenda. Boy are they tricky). So far that has been my day trying to avoid these ‘dangerous people”. It takes a lot of work worrying about where they will strike next! I am glad there are men like Baucom who help protect my family from the unpredictable methods that the LGBT community uses to try and trick me into becoming a lesbian. My husband would not like that. On the other hand, I’ve read something about men’s fantasy life—oops there they go again, now trying to recruit my husband!! 🙂


  12. BWAHAHA!

    Voddie & Justin:

    It is the homosexual’s fault

    No! It is the egalitarian’s failt


    No, Egal


    Wait! Homosexuals ARE egalitariarians so we are both right!


  13. for clarification, the original story said “Pearl Carter and Phil Bailey, 26, have paid a surrogate mother”, not that she was getting pregnant at age 72 =P


  14. I once had a roommate who dragged me to his church because ” it is the ONLY church in NORTH AMERICA that preaches the real WORD of God”. They had some idiot visiting minister that started in on the whole homosexual take over of America and how President Clinton was going to make all grade school children take a class where gays teach them. In this class run by “militant gays ” selected by his wife, these little children would be helped to discover their true sexual identity. Then the idiot warned mothers to get all the tapered candles out of the house because 90% of gays start experimenting with them as young children. ” Once that starts they just totally go over to the Devil and fag out”. Then he said cucumbers should be purchased on the day they are to be consumed as children looking into the homosexual life style will look for anything. These two little boys sitting in front of us started whispering to each other ” what’s wrong with cucumbers ? My grandma cuts them up real thin and puts them in vinegar and water in the fridge. I love my grandmas cucumbers they z best.

    Of course those two little guys were 60% more likely to he homosexuals since they are raised by single mommas and 80% more likely due to being African American.

    Personally I’m beating grandma just had the right combo of vinegar to water.


  15. Interesting how many Christians seem to think homosexuality is this modern, new-fangled concept born from an increase of sins that simply didn’t exist when man was first created. Homosexuality is as old as humanity, just slowly losing its taboo. I’m incredibly sick of the conspiracy theories about the new “agenda,” because last I checked, all homosexuals really want are the same tax benefits as straight couples.

    The gay people pitching fits and trying to start crusades forcing Christians to violate their consciences are as rare as the Christians who hold the God Hates Fags signs at funerals. Leave it to the media to make them seem like an every day occurrence.


  16. Ah, Voddie just hasn’t been in the spotlight lately. Any attention is a good thing, because any negative attention is automatically righteous persecution. Yawn.


  17. “The gay people pitching fits and trying to start crusades forcing Christians to violate their consciences are as rare as the Christians who hold the God Hates Fags signs at funerals. Leave it to the media to make them seem like an every day occurrence.”

    Of course the media breathlessly covers anything to do with this topic, which is why I don’t think such gay activists are *quite* as rare or without their enablers in government as the denizens of Westboro Baptist church. If one starts googling gay marriage in conjuction with Christian businesses, or conscientious objection, it’s remarkable what comes up. If they are equal in rarity, my guess is that that will not be the case for too much longer.

    I suspect that what Voddie Baucham was trying to do was make a very truncated slippery slope argument. Describing this alleged situation as the “logical fruit” of the homosexual agenda, he seems to foresee an anything-goes societal ethic coming down the pike that started with gay rights in particular (with no mention of the prior sexual revolution).


  18. These guys need to get together and start their own tabloid magazine. Oh, wait. We have World Net Daily. They just need to add a column.


  19. Baucham’s agenda driven disregard of the facts reminds me of Piper’s uninformed critique of a mother for not disciplining her son, and then concluding he’d end up shot dead by police for not learning how to mind his parents.


  20. Guys,, I heard for years, out of SBTS, that women pastors were the cause of ordaining homosexuals. It is so ingrained now and permeated so much of the SBC you cannot even have an intelligent discussion about the fallacy. Talk about indoctrination.

    Woman pastor=homosexual pastor.



  21. Yes, if this couple even exists, they had a surrogate carry the child but c’mon you guys….any idea what a 72-year-old woman’s ova are like? Little tiny shriveled bits of nothing. So it’s not gramma’s “baby”. Also Brenda, your allegation that “a high percentage of pastors (or at least celeb pastors) are mentally ill” is categorically false! Refer to the experts at the Biblical Counseling Coalition (formerly known as NANC) where the experts have proven that mental illness does not exist.


  22. I just figured something out: by denying the existence of personality disorders, these pastors have de facto absolved themselves of narcissism.


  23. jkpvarin,

    Refer to the experts at the Biblical Counseling Coalition (formerly known as NANC) where the experts have proven that mental illness does not exist.

    The problem with all that is that mentally ill people do not recognize that there is a problem. They think they are ok and everyone else is wrong.


  24. “I just figured something out: by denying the existence of personality disorders, these pastors have de facto absolved themselves of narcissism.”

    Yes, excellent point!


  25. “by denying the existence of personality disorders, these pastors have de facto absolved themselves of narcissism.”

    And psychopathy/sociopathy.

    And paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisociaol, borderline, histrionic, avoidant, dependant, obsessive-Compulsive, and who knows what number of unspecified personality disorders.


  26. I’m still trying to figure out what homosexuality has to do with it. SMH

    When all you have is a hammer….

    Or after “beat the shyness out of Fluttershy” he could be angling for the throne left vacant by Fred Phelps. As the original Internet Monk said of James Dobson, “Did a lot of good things before fear of homosexuals drove him over the cliff with most of his constituency in the car.”


  27. @BrendaR:

    Refer to the experts at the Biblical Counseling Coalition (formerly known as NANC) where the experts have proven that mental illness does not exist.

    Just like the experts at Scientology (formerly known as Dianetics)!


  28. @jkpvarin:

    Yes, if this couple even exists, they had a surrogate carry the child but c’mon you guys….any idea what a 72-year-old woman’s ova are like?

    “Really old eggs and they haven’t been refrigerated.” — Dr Laura


  29. @Scott:

    I once had a roommate who dragged me to his church because ” it is the ONLY church in NORTH AMERICA that preaches the real WORD of God”.

    First Big Red Warning Flag right there.

    They had some idiot visiting minister that started in on the whole homosexual take over of America and how President Clinton was going to make all grade school children take a class where gays teach them. In this class run by “militant gays ” selected by his wife, these little children would be helped to discover their true sexual identity.

    Conspiracy a Go-Go, check…

    Then the idiot warned mothers to get all the tapered candles out of the house because 90% of gays start experimenting with them as young children. ” Once that starts they just totally go over to the Devil and fag out”.

    From Conspiracy a Go-Go to Kook-a-rama…
    Somebody contact Donna Kossy; this guy needs to go into the next edition of Kooks: a Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief.

    Then he said cucumbers should be purchased on the day they are to be consumed as children looking into the homosexual life style will look for anything.

    Criswell not only Predicts, but is making book as to how long before this :”idiot visiting minister” gets caught “fagging out” like Ted Haggard & his male prostie.
    “You know a preacher’s in trouble when he stops preaching what he’s for and starts preaching only what he’s against.”


  30. @Scott:

    I once had a roommate who dragged me to his church because ” it is the ONLY church in NORTH AMERICA that preaches the real WORD of God”.

    First Big Red Warning Flag right there.

    They had some idiot visiting minister that started in on the whole homosexual take over of America and how President Clinton was going to make all grade school children take a class where gays teach them. In this class run by “militant gays ” selected by his wife, these little children would be helped to discover their true sexual identity.

    Conspiracy a Go-Go, check…

    (Though I DID get hit with the “discover my true sexual identity” shtick once. It was a sexual predator trying to get into my pants. I didn’t fall for it.)

    Then the idiot warned mothers to get all the tapered candles out of the house because 90% of gays start experimenting with them as young children. ” Once that starts they just totally go over to the Devil and fag out”.

    From Conspiracy a Go-Go to Kook-a-rama…

    Somebody contact Donna Kossy; this guy needs to go into the next edition of Kooks: a Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief.

    Then he said cucumbers should be purchased on the day they are to be consumed as children looking into the homosexual life style will look for anything.

    Criswell not only Predicts, but is making book as to how long before this ”visiting minister” gets caught “fagging out” like Ted Haggard & his male prostie.

    “You know a preacher’s in trouble when he stops preaching what he’s for and starts preaching only what he’s against.”


  31. Speaking of conspiracies… A friend sent me this over the weekend. (She’s very happy to see us come out of that toxic church and culture.) I have never heard of this guy. Is he well known in Christian circles?

    Warning: It’s hateful. Even the descriptive title on the link is nasty.

    I thought the guy was Kevin Swanson (my eyes aren’t so good, but the face in the link I got was sort of long and narrow and angular, so it resembled him), but it’s someone, as I said, I never heard of before.


  32. @Refugee:

    Speaking of conspiracies… A friend sent me this over the weekend. (She’s very happy to see us come out of that toxic church and culture.) I have never heard of this guy. Is he well known in Christian circles?

    Guy’s new to me. Standard Conspiracy shtick, ramped up to a pretty high level. I know for talk radio being mouthy’s part of the job description, but this guy’s so over-the-top he has to be dead serious. Including imitating those Nigerian faith healers who claim Christians can’t get ebola (an Act of Faith I would NOT want to put to the test).

    Definitely not Kevin “Womb Tomb” Swanson. Womb Tomb’s hard to mistake; he looks like a “dorky high school kid” from Central Casting (seriously!).


  33. The link to VB’s Facebook page still works.

    However, if you go to his page and scroll down (it may take a while), the post is not there.

    Not sure why that is. If he has taken it down, the link should not work, right?


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