BGBC Google Reviews, BGBC Lawsuit, Bloggers and Freedom of Speech, Narcissistic Pastors, Spiritual Abuse, Spiritual Bullies

Chuck’s Reviews of Me on Google and Threat of Lawsuit for Defamation

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Somehow, the powers that be at Google have removed my legitimate reviews of Beaverton Grace Bible Church, yet have allowed Chuck O’Neal’s reviews of me on the Google review site of the church.  I wasn’t aware that if you search Beaverton Grace Bible Church on Google, that my name was up for review.  I thought the Google Review forum is to review the site, not reviewers.  How can a man yield that much power to convince Google to remove posts and let his reviews stay when they do not even constitute as reviews?  He has two reviews of me posted – both with 5 stars.   Before he changes, them, I want to post them here and then will address a number of issues.  

Interestingly, within 2 hours of publishing the first post on this blog, Chuck revised an earlier review and had this threat for me and “many of those involved” in a threatened defamation lawsuit.  Defamation is based on false accusations.  He will have a hard time in court proving that my words are defaming.  I wouldn’t waste my time on defamation – what is there to gain in that?  I will, however, sacrifice my time and energy in speaking the truth when there is abuse of power going on and lives are at risk. 

Admin note:  If you click on the links below, you will see that the reviews have since been edited (in fact, multiple times).  Below is what was on the Google review site as of the date of this original posting. 


Chuck O’Neal ‎ – Feb 25, 2012
DEFAMATION IS A CRIME: Pastor Chuck O’ Neal, his wife, his children, and Beaverton Grace Bible Church as a whole, have suffered JulieAnne’s hateful lying slander for well over three years. After seeking counsel from a pastor on staff with Grace Community Church (under Pastor John MacArthur) and reading him several excerpts from JulieAnne’s endless defamation, he recommended that we FILE A LAWSUIT in an appeal to Caesar as the Apostle Paul did when falsely accused of crimes against God and the state. The lawsuit has been filed in the Washington County courthouse. JulieAnne and many of those involved in her present and historic slander will be served within the week. Her many lies and vicious criminal accusations will not stand in the light of day in the Washington County courthouse or in the coming courtroom before God. OVER THREE YEARS AGO the reviewer known as JulieAnne or “BROWN” was Biblically put out of Beaverton Grace Bible Church for ongoing vicious slander. You can see my 2009 response to her in the reviews below .
Chuck O’Neal ‎ – Nov 18, 2009
JulieAnne’s Destructive Slander Continues To Whom It May Concern: Almost a year ago JulieAnne and her husband were Biblically put out of Beaverton Grace Bible Church with a group of families and individuals that were engaged in ongoing divisive slander. After attending many churches and leaving them in a similar manner, the group has now splintered. Many of those in this factious group no longer attend church at all. It is sad to see that JulieAnne remains steadfast in her destructive behavior. For obvious reasons we exhort you to heed the following Scriptures:  Prov 6:16-19 16 These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19 A false witness who speaks lies, And ONE WHO SOWS DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN. Prov 16:28 A perverse man SOWS STRIFE, And A WHISPERER SEPARATES THE BEST OF FRIENDS. Prov 26:20 Where there is NO WOOD, THE FIRE GOES OUT; And where there is NO TALEBEARER, STRIFE CEASES. Rom 16:17-18 NOW I URGE YOU, BRETHREN, NOTE THOSE WHO CAUSE DIVISIONS AND OFFENSES, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and AVOID THEM. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. Titus 3:9-11 But AVOID FOOLISH DISPUTES, genealogies, CONTENTIONS, and strivings about the law; for THEY ARE UNPROFITABLE AND USELESS. 10 REJECT A DIVISIVE MAN AFTER THE FIRST AND SECOND ADMONITION, 11 KNOWING THAT SUCH A PERSON IS WARPED AND SINNING, being self-condemned. It is our prayer that there will be no more wood thrown upon the fire of contentiousness, strife, discord, and division. It is our prayer that the fire will go out and that the body of Christ at BGBC will be able to press on “in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27). It is our prayer that those who started the fire and have cut, stacked, and stoked much wood upon it, will repent, for God’s glory and their blessing. If you have any questions, please contact the pastor and elders. May we be evermore convinced of mankind’s sinfulness and of our need for God’s amazing grace through faith in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. God STILL has the whole world and His Church in His very capable hands. For Christ and His Church, Pastor Chuck O’Neal, Elder Dave Loynes, Elder Dale Weaver

29 thoughts on “Chuck’s Reviews of Me on Google and Threat of Lawsuit for Defamation”

  1. 1) I agree with everything in your blog and thank you for showing courage by starting this blog.2) I lived with this spiritual abuse for many years and am grateful to Jesus Christ for revealing the fangs before my family was literally chewed to spiritual death.3) True colors are being shown by this man, Chuck O'Neal and his so called elders.3) God is the judge, He will be glorified and has control of all of this.


  2. Thank you so much for your heartfelt response and kind words. I am truly thankful to God that you and your family are free from those gripping fangs. Grace and peace to you, friend.


  3. I noticed that Pastor Chuck left out what it was exactly that you were saying. That was the part I was most looking forward to! I just stumbled across your blog through Steve Scott's blog, From the Pew. I write about similar stuff on my blog as well, although my blog is mostly focused on the general problem in the modern "church" system that promotes this abuse and oppression by "leadership."I have not been part of a church in several years and often times I worry that I am making up a boogieman, then I read stuff like this. I read not just what you write, but what this pastor wrote and I realize that things are not as bad as I think they are, they are much much worse. Thanks for sharing this. I think many others can relate.Dan


  4. Hey Dan – Great to have you visiting my blog. Sadly, it seems to be something that is not rare. We moved recently and consequently have a new church and pastor. I hadn't told him of this legal situation until a couple weeks ago, but at the urging of others, I decided I should "come clean" – lol. It was awkward at first, but this pastor was truly a shepherd to me. His sweet words of counsel drew me closer to the Shepherd. I am blessed to have support. I hope you can find a place like that. There are boogiemen and there are truly men of God with servant's hearts. Don't give up! PS – I'm going to check out your blog 🙂


  5. Dan said, "I noticed that Pastor Chuck left out what it was exactly that you were saying. That was the part I was most looking forward to!" This is indeed the elephant in the room. I surmise that Chuck was in possible legal trouble of his own, regarding shirking of his duty as a mandatory reporter, and maybe other activities. The fear for his family then stems from the possibility of this causing loss of his position, prison or loss of his adopted children?


  6. Like so many 'pastors', when they meet Jesus, they are going to be in a whole lot of trouble. This guy seems quite adept at twisting the bible into whatever tool of power he wishes. Who would Jesus sue? It's the only 'show business' that is financially profitable with only one 'show' per week. I loathe these narcissistic power seeking 'pastors' and maybe god does as well. Good luck to you with this unjust and malicious lawsuit.


  7. Just to play devils advocate; what if everything you said was completely untrue & you & your whole family were trouble makers? What would be gained by a $500,000 lawsuit? What type of message does it send to the community? For people on the fence about giving their lives to God this lawsuit makes being a Christian look even more uninviting. This Pastor forgot the scriptures that says we are in this world but not of it & should conduct ourselves in a "Godly" manner, not worldly. I will pray for all of you.


  8. Did anyone get a screen shot of the original claim that he consulted with John Macarthur's church? I would think if this is a lie Macarthur is going to want to address this.


  9. Dan, sadly you are right it is hard to find a church that is authentic anymore. We can thank Rick Warren for teaching pastors they are master and in control of the 'vision' for the church– and to get rid of the dissenters. There is something to be said for dealing with people who really DO cause divisions CONTRARY to the gospel, but this isn't it. It isn't about suing them.But when you do find one that isn't controlling, it is good. It really is.And unfortunately we are told this sort of craziness is going to get worse before the end. This is the same thing the apostles and their hearers went through when they were shunned by the religious leaders and communities in Jerusalem.


  10. Keep up the good work Julie. Thank you for standing up to spiritual abuse and for exposing cults. ~30 millions of American are in cults so good for you for fighting the evil that destroys countless of lives and even more importantly destroys the faith of God's children. Praying for you.(From New York City.)


  11. Religion is and always was used for control and slavery of mankind.The "bible" itself was fabricated, and all of the evidence on that fabrication has been coming out since the 1700's.Christians are the most hateful people in this country, please be careful, you might catch Anthrax.


  12. After last year and this year, how could Christianity be even more unappealing?Their true nature of unbridled hatred of everything not of their own has become blindingly clear to the entire country.I won't have any of my children near one of their fruitcake factory "churches".


  13. wow, I agree with your statement here. I know people are trying to be nice, but when the powers that controlled them, killed a lot of them in the bible and even now, I agree with you!


  14. Unfortunately, religion has this bubble of undeserved protection around it and I simply assume that Google wanted to save their hides over it. However, karma comes around, and the 350 1-star reviews on the stupid place dedicated to you (chalk one of them up as from me!) prove that you are in the right. Not them.not that you needed telling that anyway! Good luck, the Internet Armada will protect you ^_^


  15. You can always tell a fanaticized religious nutcase by their copious use of capital letters. What a tyrant this man is. I am glad he is finally being exposed and now the nation gets to watch him make a mockery of himself and his stupid church before a global audience.


  16. American version of christianity is rather detestable. Its Political, commercialized and indoctrinating. People in general are ill-informed and chruches become kind of master of them. Churches do some good but overall people should stay away for religious institution.Believing in god has nothing to do with following a religion. These are two distinct attributes.


  17. Good luck fighting this man, Julie Anne. You will find courage when you speak the truth concerning this man and his church. The American public cannot and will not tolerate any spiritual abuse and certainly I do hope you will find strength in all that you do. Please keep up the work, a blog, by Benediction Blogs On, is hosting a section about you right now, so there are more people seeing this and coming to support you. When you speak the truth concerning this O'Neil, you will have the strength and courage that comes from a beautiful soul, and so shall your God bless you. Amen.


  18. Well, the Beaverton Grace Bible Church has Streisanded itself into infamy. 554 reviews on Google so far, with 1 star overall rating.


  19. Hopefully this will be the final justice for this idot and his church. I hope his entire flock finally comes around to the truth. Maybe, when he has no more members and can no longer influnce the masses, Justice will come to him in the form of self inflicted meeting with his maker.


  20. Please don't lump all Christians together as hateful. There are millions of great Christians that don't believe in being hateful or spiteful. Furthermore, giving your life to God does not mean you must become a member of a church. Giving yourself to God means you want a relationship with God and you want to mirror His goodness, love and kindness to others. My prayer is for all involved in this situation to receive God's blessings and instructions on how to proceed. I agree, a lawsuit is not what God intended.


  21. Anonymous: Yes God does hate. He hates sin. We are to hate what he hates. He hates injustice which I believe in occurring here to Julie Anne. Julie: I believe despite what you have to endure you are going to come out ahead and you are certainly paving the way for others to speak out and suffer less painfully. Believe me when I say it's all worth it despite the pain and suffering. Leaders are not used to us no names speaking out and they take the word sheep to mean dumb. I think that perception is changing. 🙂 God Bless you Julie Anne.


  22. Based on the fact that the pope "for some reason" protects and nurtures paedophiles (and in some cases actively encourages their evil twisted crimes by relocating them to parishes with lots of children – without warning anyone) I suspect even the pope doesn't believe in Jesus as if he does, he'd be facing eternal damnation.


  23. People like your Pastor Chunk are the reason i'm no longer a christian. I'm also not a conservative because of Fox News but I stand 100% behind your courage and convictions. stay strong, you will defeat this demon disguised as saint.


  24. For google, it is all about covering their rear ends. Youtube has the same policy of removing many videos that criticize religion. They are terrified of lawsuits. They would rather repress speech in this regard (which is their right as a private company, but cowardly) than risk a lawsuit – it's about the potential risk to their bottom line.


  25. Not just capitals, but also the overuse of scripture and the request for the people to "repent". There is no Christianity in either of that Pastor's lengthy rants. Also no one goes on the defense like that in length without realizing there is truth in what his critics are saying and being terrified of loss of control of his parishioners.


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